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Jobs in Harm Reduction: Harm Reduction Coalition and PreventionWorks!

Submitted by dguard on (Issue #507)
Consequences of Prohibition
Politics & Advocacy

Capacity Building Assistance Specialist, Harm Reduction Coalition

The Harm Reduction Coalition is seeking a CBA Specialist for its CDC-funded Capacity Building Assistance (CBA) program. Duties for the African American Capacity Building Initiative (AACBI) include processing all incoming inquires for training and technical assistance and providing skills-building training and technical consultation to community-based organizations and health departments. A candidate must have a Master's Degree in Social Work, Public Health or relevant field or equivalent experience; be detail-oriented; possess knowledge about current trends in HIV prevention; and have excellent written/verbal communication skills and knowledge/experience in needs assessments, curriculum design and delivery. As well, a candidate is required to have at least two years of experience in the field of HIV/AIDS as it relates to substance use, training methods and health promotion. We are particularly interested in a candidate who has knowledge of and experience working with African American MSM communities.

The salary range is mid to high $40s, and the position starts immediately. To apply, please fax your resume and cover letter to "Hiring Committee" at (212) 213-6582 or e-mail [email protected]. No phone calls please.

HRC is an equal opportunity employer. People of color, women and people living with HIV are encouraged to apply.

Executive Director, PreventionWorks!

PreventionWorks! is seeking an experienced manager with a passion for the public health harm reduction approach to serve as its executive director. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to build on PreventionWorks! history of providing needle exchange to disenfranchised residents of Washington, DC including transgendered persons, sex workers, i.v. drug users, the formerly incarcerated, persons who are HIV positive, and persons living with AIDS.

Reporting to the board of directors the executive director provides leadership to the organization and manages its day-to-day affairs while strategically positioning PreventionWorks! for future growth. The executive director is responsible for the achievement of the goals and objectives of Prevention Works through the effective and efficient management of staff, volunteers and other resources, and programs.

Key responsibilities include providing leadership to the organization's resource development and fundraising needs; ensuring that PreventionWorks! clients receive the highest quality of services through effective and efficient program management and staff development; working with the board to develop and implement long-range strategies including new initiatives; providing leadership and proactive outreach to ensure that PreventionWorks! enjoys a visible profile in the District of Columbia; and overseeing all systems including human resources, finances and grants management.

Priorities for the next 12 to 18 months include maintaining high quality services; expanding the organization's resource base through government grants and fundraising from private sources; strategically expanding harm reduction services; recruiting, retaining and developing staff; and advocating on behalf of PreventionWorks! clients.

Ideal candidates for this position will bring a variety of experience and attributes to PreventionWorks!, including significant management experience; a proven track record in fundraising; an understanding of the political environment in the District of Columbia regarding PreventionWorks! clients; strong written and verbal communication skill; a commitment to the public health harm reduction approach; financial literacy and grants management experience; and tolerance, tenacity, vision, organizational skills, cultural competence and sensitivity, and effectiveness.

To apply send resume, cover letter and salary requirements to: [email protected] (Email applications are preferred).

Or mail to: PreventionWorks! Search Committee, c/o Transition Guides, 1751 Elton Road, Suite 204, Silver Spring, MD 20903.

Or fax to: 301-439-6638.

PreventionWorks! is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Resume reviews begin immediately for a start date of March 1, 2008.

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