Along with our weekly in-depth Chronicle reporting, DRCNet has since late summer also been providing daily content in the way of blogging in the Stop the Drug War Speakeasy, as well as Latest News links (upper right-hand corner of most web pages), event listings (lower right-hand corner) and other info. Check out DRCNet every day to stay on top of the drug reform game!

David Guard has been making his usual many repostings of press releases, action alerts and other organizational announcements. From the rest of the staff this week:
Scott Morgan writes: "Jury Duty: A Day in the Life of Our Corrupt War on Drugs" and "Marijuana Dealers Offer Schwarzenegger One Billion Dollars" (related post made #1 spot on Digg!).
Phil Smith asks: "What's a gram of cocaine go for where you live?" and "Who should be the next Drug Czar?"
David Borden posts: "and yet another letter from a medical marijuana patient that the feds claim don't exist..."
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