Politics & Advocacy
Dear Drug War Chronicle reader:
DRCNet now has extensive new content that is now going onto our web site on a daily basis since the re-launch of our web site.

Some of the latest posts include the following:
- Reformers Raid Cato Institute, DRCNet's Scott Morgan on Radley Balko and Norm Stamper's presentation on the report "Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America."
- Retired Sheriff's Deputy Jay Fleming of LEAP Joins DRCNet Blogging Team -- Drugs, Crime and Conservation First Topic, from our first featured guest blogger who has joined the "Prohibition in the Media" campaign.
- "V"iets is for VICTORY, press release from our friends at NORML about an important court victory.
- Many Partisans on Both Sides Get Drug Policy Wrong, Blogosphere Shows, my own critique of a prominent blogger's misfire on Afghanistan opium eradication.
- An open letter from Canadian member of parliament Libby Davies on the InSite safe injection site and related info.
- Thoughts from Drug War Chronicle editor Phil Smith on his crossings of the US-Canada border last weekend and what he's looking for stories planned for this newsletter.
- A Reader Blogs section where you can join the fray or read what other DRCNet members have to say.
- more...
There is also a Latest News feed of links to drug policy stories in the media, an updated Cops Against the Drug War section, and much more coming soon.
Thanks for joining us! Please if you're able to make a donation to support this and other work.
David Borden
Executive Director
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
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