A ten percent decline in overdose deaths is good news, indeed, but there are still nearly 100,000 a year. (Creative Commons)
Fatal Drug Overdoses Are in Dramatic Decline [FEATURE]
The numbers are still horrifically high, but dropping fast, for a variety of reasons.

A peaceful scene in Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexican. Things are not so peaceful these days. (Creative Commons)
Japan to Punish Pot Use with Up to Seven Years in Prison, NE MedMJ Inits Certified for Ballot, More... (9/13/24)
A bipartisan group of lawmakers has filed a marijuana legalization bill in Pennsylvania, the Mexican city of Culiacan is at a standstill amid fears of intra-cartel clashes, and more.
Biden Signs Bill to Study Illicit Drug Financing, Colombian Coca Company Sues Coca-Cola in Trademark Fight, More... (9/16/24)
The White House has released its annual list of international drug war scofflaws, cartel faction violence continues in Sinaloa, and more.
DEA Simplified "Accepted Medical Use" Drugs Standard, Four Face Death Penalty for Drugs in Bali, More... (9/17/24)
The head of the Senate Drug Caucus files a bill targeting imported drug analogs, the toll rises from Sinaloa Cartel factional strife, and more.
Senate Committee Approves DOOBIE Act, AR MedMJ Init Appears Poised for Victory, More... (9/18/24)
A bill to reauthorize the drug czar's office has been filed, the Czech Republic is moving toward marijuana legalization, and more.
Dramatic Drop in Overdose Deaths Reported, Idaho Marijuana Legalization Init Filed, More... (9/19/24)
The Democratic candidate for governor in West Virginia says legalize marijuana, the Seattle city council approves neighborhood exclusion orders for drug offenders, and more.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International