Bipartisan Bill Would Eliminate Cannabis Screening for Federal Hiring, Security Clearances [FEATURE]
More than three million federal jobs are not available to (admitted) marijuana users, because they cannot get security clearances. A new bill hopes to change that.
Federal Drug Prisoner Population Declines, CA Psychedelic Legalization Bill Advances, More... (7/13/23)
A GOP-led House committee has killed marijuana and psychedelic reform amendments to the defense spending bill, a Mexican drug cartel uses roadside bombs against the police, and more.
DC Law Protecting Pot-Smoking Workers Now in Effect, Ghana Okay Hemp & MedMJ Production, More... (7/14/23)
A Minnesota Native American reservation will have marijuana for sale on the first day of legalization (unlike most of the rest of the state), the US government quietly suspends monitoring of coca cultivation in Colombia, and more.

Magic mushrooms are among the natural psychedelics that are now the lowest law enforcement priority in Minneapolis. (CC)
Minneapolis Enacts Psychedelic Reform, Albania Legalizes Medical Marijuana, More... (7/24/23)
New York GOP politicos want to ban public pot smoking, California is paying meth users who test negative, and more.
CA Psychedelic Research Initiative, Colombia Coca Price Crash Causing Misery, More... (7/24/23)
Ab Ohio marijuana legalization initiative needs more signatures but has the time to get them, Singapore is set to hang two more drug offenders, and more.
FL Supreme Court Marijuana Initiative Fight, Peru Coca Expansion, More... (7/26/23)
Singapore has executed one drug offender with another set for later this week, the Florida ACLU joins the fight for a marijuana legalization initiative, and more.
Bipartisan Bill to Let Pot Smokers Get Security Clearances Filed, GA Asset Forfeiture Outrage, More... (7/27/23)
The House approves veterans' medical marijuana and psychedelic research amendments to a must-pass spending bill, a new House bill would clear the way for security clearances for past or present pot smokers, and more.
FDA Approves Second OTC Nasal Naloxone Spray, Singapore Hangs Another Drug Offender, More... (7/28/23)
GOP senator files bill mandating social media cooperation with law enforcement against drug trafficking, bipartisan senators file bill to ease access to fentanyl test strips, and more.
CA Initiative Would Have State Fund Psychedelic Research, Fentanyl Bills Pass Senate, More... (7/31/23)
A Georgia prosecutor's bid to seize a landlord's rural trailer beause a tenant got caught with meth gets thrown out of court, Colombia's president proposes buying up the coca crop, and more.
Bill Filed to Prepare Feds for Pot Legalization, Seattle Mayor Unveils New Plan on Open-Air Drug Use, More... (8/1/23)
Another Republican files another border fentanyl bill, Seattle's mayor has a plan to deal with open-air drug use, and more.
SAMSHA Seeks Comment on Harm Reduction Draft, MN Era of Legal Weed Begins, More... (8/2/23)
An effort to repeal South Dakota's voter-approved medical marijuana law gets underway, the Red Lake Reservation sees the first legal recreational marijuana sales in Minnesota, and more.
OH Legal Weed Initiative Hands in Final Signatures, Brazil Drug Raids Leave 45 Dead, More... (8/3/23)
It looks like Ohioans will get to vote on marijuana legalization this year, Singapore hangs yet another drug offender, and more.
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