DRCNet is pleased to announce
a new book offer: "Saying Yes: In Defense of Drug Use," a new, scholarly
work by author Jacob Sullum of the Reason Foundation. "Saying Yes," published
by Tarcher/ Putnam, strives to accurately portray the controlled responsible
use of drugs that is the norm, not for all, but for most drug users. This
is a controversial notion in our society and to some extent even in the
drug reform movement itself. Whether you are inclined to agree or disagree
with Sullum's central point, we hope you'll read "Saying Yes" and to hear
and consider Sullum's evidence and arguments in full. Just visit
and donate $35 or more, and DRCNet will send you a copy for free.
Your donation will help in a
second, very important way. The drug reform movement is in a financial
crisis of greater proportions than we have ever seen in DRCNet's nearly
ten years of work. While some help is on the way from the movement's major
grant program, the Tides Fund for Drug Policy Reform, they have unfortunately
chosen a timetable that won't see funds disbursed until September. That
means your help is very much needed in the meantime -- DRCNet literally
will be unable to pay its bills or payroll or keep its online petitions
to Congress running through even next month, without your support.
So please visit
to make a generous donation by credit card or to print out a form to send
in with your donation by mail -- or just send your check or money order
to: DRCNet, P.O. Box 18402, Washington, DC 20036 -- and contact us for
instructions if you'd like to make a contribution of stock.
This is some of the advance
praise that "Saying Yes: In Defense of Drug Use" has received:
"Jacob Sullum has
produced a thoughtful, sane, and logical analysis of our drug laws. Is
that even LEGAL?"
- Dave Barry, syndicated
"Saying Yes is a powerful
refutation of the pharmacological prejudices underlying the war on drugs.
Jacob Sullum highlights the injustice of punishing people for their politically
incorrect choice of intoxicants."
- Nadine Strossen, president
of the American Civil Liberties Union; professor of law, New York Law School
"Sullum pits the truth against
the lies of the drug prohibitionists."
- Thomas Szasz, professor
emeritus of psychiatry, SUNY Upstate Medical University
"I've never used a recreational
drug (or even had a sip of alcohol) in my life, but Jacob Sullum makes
a great case to stop the drug wars. He exposes the tricks of the drug warriors,
who scam the crowd with huckster patter about magical substances that force
people to do evil."
- Penn Jillette, the larger,
louder half of Penn & Teller
"Jacob Sullum shows that
drug use is far from an all-or-nothing phenomenon and that all use is not
abuse. He puts the erroneous claims of prohibitionists into historical
- Mark Stepnoski, former
NFL player (Dallas Cowboys, Tennessee/Houston Oilers); president, Texas
We have read Jacob Sullum's
book and have learned from and enjoyed it, and we believe you will too.
So visit
and donate $35 or more to make your contribution and get your free copy!
(You can also request other books we offer, as well as
t-shirts, mugs and mousepads.)
Please note that donations
to the Drug Reform Coordination Network are not tax-deductible. If you
wish to make a tax-deductible donation to support our educational work,
make your check payable to DRCNet Foundation, same address. Again, visit
to join, donate and order your free copy of "Saying Yes." And make sure
to check out Phil Smith's book review, above in
this issue of The Week Online.
-- END --
Issue #289, 5/30/03
Editorial: For Decency's Sake, No More No-Knock Drug Raids | Canadian Government Introduces Cannabis Decriminalization Bill | Ed Rosenthal to be Sentenced Wednesday -- Could Escape Mandatory Minimum as Pleas for Leniency Roll In, Supporters Prepare to Rally | DRCNet Book Review: "Saying Yes: In Defense of Drug Use," by Jacob Sullum (Tarcher & Putnam, 24.95 HB) | Democratic Presidential Contender Endorses Medical Marijuana -- Ohio's Kucinich First Out of the Gate | Saying Yes: New Book Offer from DRCNet | Action Alerts: Medical Marijuana, HEA Drug Provision, Global Legalization and Drug Treaty Reform Petition | Newsbrief: NYPD Under Fire in Death of Woman in Botched Drug Raid | Newsbrief: Federal Hepatitis C Control and Prevention Bill Filed | Newsbrief: Mississippi Drug Czar Not One to Let the Law Get in His Way | Newsbrief: The Hash Fields of Morocco | Newsbrief: Dutch Coffee Shops Take Hit in Anti-Tobacco Campaign | Newsbrief: New Zealand to War on Evil Meth | Newsbrief: Garcia Marquez Takes Back His Legalization Comments, Sort Of | Newsbrief: Gambian Narcs Mar Marley Remembrance with Raids | Newsbrief: Japanese Author, Legalization Advocate Gets Suspended Sentence for Marijuana Possession | Reflections Seeking Submissions for Special Issue on Prison | The Reformer's Calendar
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Articles of a purely
educational nature in Drug War Chronicle appear courtesy of the DRCNet
Foundation, unless otherwise noted.