Clinical Cannabis Conference CDs Available 4/4/03

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The presentations of The Second National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics, held in Portland, Oregon on May 3-4 of 2002, are now available for purchase. Complete sets cost $8 each plus $2 shipping, and shipping costs waived for nonprofits ordering complete sets.

Topics covered include: Nutritional Benefits of Hemp Seed and Oil; Clinical Trials in Canada; Medical Cannabis Providers; Alternative Delivery Systems; Cannabis Patch; Oregon and Hawaii Case Studies; the Missoula Chronic Cannabis Study; Cannabis in Pain Management; Matching Medical Cannabis Strains with Symptoms; Cannabinoids and Movement Disorders; Cannabis Diseases and Pests; as well as a historical review, presentations by individuals involved with medical marijuana from the patient or provider side as well as the organizational and political, and other topics.

Call (434) 263-4484, e-mail [email protected] or visit for further information, or send your order to: Patients Out of Time, 1472 Fish Pond Rd., Howardsville, VA 24562, fax (434) 263-6753.

-- END --
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Issue #281, 4/4/03 Week Online Fundraising Update | Editorial: Reasonable Doubt Routinely | Victory in Tulia! | Rosenthal Asks for New Trial, Cites Juror Violations | Drug Czar Gives Up on Drugs and Terror Ad Campaign, Also Cancels Studies to Track Ads' Effectiveness | Drug Czar Sends Flunkies to Try to Stop Columbia, Missouri, Marijuana Initiative | DRCNet Interview: Marco Cappato, Member of European Parliament | Newsbrief: Reform Rumblings Begin in Brazil, While Commands Create Chaos | Newsbrief: Post-Assassination Serbian Crackdown Creates Drug Panic | Newsbrief: Jamaican Official Promises Ganja Decrim Bill Soon | Newsbrief: Belgian Marijuana Decriminalization Passes Final Hurdle | Newsbrief: Midwest Meth Madness -- Indiana | Newsbrief: Midwest Meth Madness -- Iowa and Illinois | Newsbrief: This Week's Corrupt Cop Story | Web Scan: New HR95, JAPHA on Syringe Sales, Reason, Mama Coca, OAS | Clinical Cannabis Conference CDs Available | Job Listings: Drug Policy Forum of Massachusetts and Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless | The Reformer's Calendar

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