(Please submit listings of events concerning drug policy and related topics to [email protected].)
March 28, 7:00-10:00pm, Minneapolis, MN, "Shattered Lives: Portraits from America's Drug War," exhibit and speaking engagement at the University of Minnesota. At Willey Hall, 225 19th Avenue S., exhibit from March 24-28, sponsored by NORML at the University of Minnesota, e-mail [email protected] or call Jason Samuels at (651) 247-8327 for further information.
March 28-29, Mestre (Venice), Italy, "Un'Alternative Realistica ed Efficace Alla 'War on Drugs' in Nomi Dei Diritti Umani," seminar preparing for the Vienna UN drug summit, in campaign to reform the international drug conventions. Sponsored by Forum Droghe, at Centro Culturale Santa Maria delle Grazie, on Via Poerio, visit http://www.fuoriluogo.it/agenda/pdf/venezia_vienna.pdf for info.
March 30, 9:00am-5:00pm, Washington, DC, "The Washington Conference on Imprisonment in America." Sponsored by the Peace and Justice Foundation, with the Community Action and Social Justice Office (CASJ) of American University. At the AU School of Public Affairs, Ward Circle Building, e-mail [email protected] for directions and call (202) 246-0092 or e-mail [email protected] for further information.
March 31, 7:00pm, Washington, DC "More Terrible Than Death: Massacres, Drugs, and America's War in Colombia," book talk with Human Rights Watch researcher Robin Kirk. At Olsson's Metro Center, 1200 F Street NW, cosponsored by HRW and Washington Office on Latin America, visit http://www.wola.org/invite_kirk_033103.pdf for further information.
April 1, noon-1:30pm, "Reducing Drug Use and Crime: Strategies That Work," forum at the Urban Institute, 2100 M Street, NW, 5th floor. Seating limited, lunch included, RSVP to (202) 261-5709 or [email protected].
April 3, 7:30pm, Madison, WI, "Plan Colombia: Cashing in on the Drug War Failure," film presentation with question & answer with filmmakers Gerard Ungerman & Audrey Brohy. At Barrymore Theatre, 2090 Atwood Ave., $8, call (608) 241-8633 for further information.
April 4, noon-1:30pm, Washington, DC "Campaigning for Peace in Colombia Amidst Increasing Violence," luncheon discussion with Ana Teresa Bernal, founder of REDEPAZ, Colombia's National Network of Initiatives for Peace and Against War. At NCCC Hamilton Conference Room, Suite 108, 110 Maryland Avenue, NE, RSVP to Pax International at (202) 543-4347 or [email protected].
April 4-6, Providence, RI, Medical Marijuana Symposium, organized by Brown University Students for Sensible Drug Policy. Contact [email protected] for further information.
April 4-6, New Orleans, LA, "Critical Resistance South Regional Conference and Strategy Session." Call Critical Resistance South at (504) 837-5348 or (866) 579-0885, e-mail [email protected] or visit http://www.criticalresistance.org for further information.
April 6-10, Chiangmai, Thailand, "Strengthening Partnerships for a Safer Future," 14th International Conference on the Reduction of Drug-Related Harm, sponsored by the International Harm Reduction Coalition in partnership with the Asian Harm Reduction Network. For further information, visit http://www.ihrc2003.net or contact [email protected] or (6653) 223624, 894112 x102.
April 8, 7:00pm, Houston, TX, Drug War Forum, featuring Drug Policy Forum of Texas, Houston NORML and the November Coalition. At Emerson Unitarian Church, 1900 Bering Drive, visit http://www.journeyforjustice.org/events.html#houston for info.
April 8, 8:00pm, Los Angeles, CA, "High Hopes," medical marijuana benefit comedy show. At the Comedy Store, 8433 Sunset Blvd., benefiting the Inglewood Wellness Center and the Ed Rosenthal Defense Fund. Admission $20, cash at the door or by credit card at http://www.thecomedystore.com online. Doors open 7:00pm, contact Howard Dover Productions at (323) 253-3472 or [email protected] or visit http://www.greentherapy.com for further information.
April 10, 6:00-8:00pm, "Murder: The 'Real Thing' in Colombia," forum with Javier Correa, president of SINALTRAINAL, the national food and beverage workers union, which organizes Colombian Coca-Cola workers. At Kay Spiritual Life Center, American University, Ward Circle, call Lesley Gill at (202) 885-1833 for directions or further information.
April 10, 6:30pm, Austin, TX, Drug War Forum, followed by a social hour at 8:30, with the Drug Policy Forum of Texas and the November Coalition, featuring Ann del Llano, Texas ACLU Criminal Justice Liaison and co-coordinator of the Police Accountability Project. At Trinity United Methodist Church, 600 E. 50th Street, visit http://www.journeyforjustice.org/events.html#austin for info.
April 10-13, Vienna, Austria, "Alternative Summit on Drugs," coinciding with the UN drug summit, visit http://www.u-n-o.org for further information.
April 12-13, Chicago, IL, Students for Sensible Drug Policy Midwestern Conference. At Loyola University, contact Matt Atwood at [email protected] or visit http://www.ssdp.org/midwest/ for info.
April 13, 12:30pm, Dallas, TX, Drug War Forum, First Unitarian Church of Dallas, 4015 Normandy, visit http://www.journeyforjustice.org/events.html#dallas for info.
April 15, 9:00am-6:00pm, New York, NY, "Current Trends in Drug Policy Reform," symposium by NYU School of Law Student Drug Policy Forum. Panels on collateral consequences of the drug war, alternatives to incarceration and enforcement, and impact of federal law, featuring law professors, prosecutors, criminal defense attorneys and other criminal justice experts. At Greenberg Lounge, Vanderbilt Hall, 40 Washington Square South, contact Adam Bier at adam.bier at nyu.edu for further information.
April 17-19, San Francisco, CA, "Back to Basics: Stop Arresting Marijuana Smokers," 2003 NORML Conference. At the Hyatt Regency, 5 Embarcadero Center, registration $150 or $100 for students. Call 888-67-NORML, e-mail [email protected] or visit http://www.norml.org/index.cfm?Group_ID=5524 for information.
April 22, 6:30-8:30pm, Berkeley, CA, "What D.A.R.E. Didn't Teach You: from Absolut to Zima," evening of education on alcohol. At the Drug Resource Center, UC Berkeley, cosponsored by University Health Services and the US Department of Education, contact Scarlett Swerdlow at [email protected] for information.
April 23-26, Manchester, NJ, 13th North American Syringe Exchange Convention. Visit http://www.nasen.org for further information.
May 3-5, many cities worldwide, "Million Marijuana March." Visit http://www.cures-not-wars.org/cities.htm for local contact info.
May 8, 10:00am-evening, New York, NY, "Educate Don't Incarcerate," youth demonstration on the 30th anniversary of the Rockefeller Drug Laws. March from Rockefeller Center to Gov. Pataki's office, noon rally in front of Gov. Pataki's office, 4:00pm youth speak out, party to follow. Call (718) 838-7881, e-mail [email protected] or visit http://www.droptherock.org for further information.
May 26-28, Wellington, New Zealand, 4th International Conference on Drugs and Young People. At the Wellington Convention Centre, call +61 (03) 9278 8101 or +61 (03) 9278 8137, e-mail [email protected] or visit http://www.adf.org.au for information.
June 1-13, Witness For Peace Drug Policy Delegation to Colombia. Contact Alex Volberding at [email protected] or visit http://www.witnessforpeace.org/pdf/drugdelflyer.pdf for info.
June 7-11, Denver, CO, 23rd National Convocation of Jail and Prison Ministry. Visit http://www.travel.to/theconvocation/ or contact Sr. Carleen Reck at [email protected] for information.
August 16-17, 10:00am-8:00pm, Seattle, WA, "12th Annual Seattle Hempfest." At Myrtle Edwards Park, call (206) 781-5734 or visit http://www.hempfest.org for further information.
November 5-8, East Rutherford, NJ, biennial conference of Drug Policy Alliance. At the Sheraton Meadowlands Hotel and Conference Center, 2 Meadowlands Plaza, visit http://www.drugpolicy.org for further information.