Newsbrief: Illinois Governor Candidate Says He Smoked Pot -- Sort Of 9/20/02

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Who would have thought that any politician could top Bill Clinton's comic "I didn't inhale" response to the now inevitable press question about past marijuana use? Stepping up to the challenge this week was Illinois Democratic gubernatorial candidate Rod Blagojevich, who told a Monday press conference that he had twice smoked marijuana, but that he wasn't sure if he inhaled. "I did it twice, and I'm a nonsmoker," Blagojevich explained. "I don't like it; I run. So I don't know if I inhaled or not."

Blagojevich said he had not tried any other drugs and does not support the legalization of marijuana, but noted the herb's pervasiveness. "I never liked the smell of it, but it was a smell that we all of our generation are very familiar with, and I'm sure I'm not the only one in this room who can recognize that smell," he said.

A spokesman for Republican nominee Jim Ryan said Ryan has never used any illegal drug.

-- END --
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