Web Scan: CriminalDefense.com, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, Harry Levine, Ethan Nadelmann, Medical Marijuana Research, School Daily 8/2/02

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Issue XVIII, Volume I of Criminal Defense magazine (July 29-August 14) focuses on the drug war nationally and on New York state's Rockefeller drug laws, including articles on issues, law, prisoners, editorials by advocates on both sides -- go to http://www.criminaldefense.com and click on the graphic or visit:
http://[email protected]/magazine/1.18/cover.html?clgid=0ad4438b5ab6a18c

Read about the impressive new organization Law Enforcement Against Prohibition: http://www.leap.cc

Sociologist Harry Levine writes on international drug policy developments and the global prohibition regime in three recently published articles:

Drug Policy Alliance director Ethan Nadelmann editorializes on drug policy under the Bush administration in Counselor: The Magazine for Addiction Professionals, August 2002, Vol. 3, No. 4. "No Longer Hope for Progress" is available online at:

Britain's "The School Daily" reports on the Professional Association of Teachers' recommendation to teach UK youth how to take drugs safely rather than simply told "just say no":

-- END --
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Articles of a purely educational nature in Drug War Chronicle appear courtesy of the DRCNet Foundation, unless otherwise noted.

Issue #248, 8/2/02 Editorial: Getting from Here to There | Despite Supreme Court Ruling, No Wave of High School Drug Testing Foreseen | US Prison Population Leveling Off, Feds Drive Small Increase | Needle Exchange 2002:00:00 A Long Way Traveled, A Long Way to Go | Baltimore Killings Continue as Politicians Continue to Ignore Role of Prohibition | Stossel Special Spurs War of Letters to ABC | Newsbrief: Cooking Speed Equals Child Abuse Under New Tennessee Law | Massachusetts Governor Vetoes Decriminalization Provisions | Newsbrief: Afghan Crop Report Says Opium Eradication a Joke | Newsbrief: Leading British Comedian Says Legalize It All | Newsbrief: Alabama Rape Victim Ordered to Provide Urine Sample for Drug Test | Newsbrief: Tennessee School Board Ordered to Back Off on Zero Tolerance -- Right to Public Education at Issue | Newsbrief: Seattle Marijuana Enforcement Initiative Signatures Submitted | Web Scan: CriminalDefense.com, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, Harry Levine, Ethan Nadelmann, Medical Marijuana Research, School Daily | Legislative Alerts: Rave Bill, Medical Marijuana, Higher Education Act Drug Provision | The Reformer's Calendar

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