(Please submit listings of events concerning drug policy and related topics to [email protected].)
June 15, 12:30pm, New York, NY, Drop the Rock demonstration and concert in Harlem, opposing the Rockefeller drug laws. March at 12:30 from 126th St. between Adam Clayton Powell and Frederick Douglas Blvd. (subway lines 1, 2, 3, B, D or A to 125th St.), Concert Rally at 2:30 in Marcus Garvey Park, 122nd & Madison Ave. Contact Tamar Kraft-Stolar at [email protected] or (212) 254-5700 x306 or visit http://www.droptherock.org for further info about Drop The Rock.
June 15, 1:00pm-6:00pm, Los Angeles, CA, "Second Annual Peter McWilliams Memorial Rally," demonstration against the drug war, organized by the Libertarian Party of California Political Prisoner Support Committee (LPCPPSC). At the Federal Building, 11000 Wilshire Blvd., contact Hal Chiprin at [email protected] or (605) 653-1999 for further information.
June 15, 1:00pm-6:00pm, San Diego, CA, "Second Annual Peter McWilliams Memorial Rally," demonstration against the drug war, organized by the Libertarian Party of California Political Prisoner Support Committee (LPCPPSC). In front of the Federal and State courthouses, intersection of Front and Broadway Streets, contact Gardner Osborne at [email protected] or (858) 459-7382.
June 15, 1:00pm-6:00pm, San Francisco, CA, "Second Annual Peter McWilliams Memorial Rally," demonstration against the drug war, organized by the Libertarian Party of California Political Prisoner Support Committee. At the Burton Federal Building on Golden Gate Ave., contact Chris Matten at (415) 845-8202 for further information.
June 15, 6:30pm, Albuquerque, NM, "Collateral Damage: Just Say Know, Music Remembering the Injustices of Tulia, Texas," musical tour by Brad Carter, sponsored by Friends of Justice and the November Coalition. At Solid Grounds Coffee House, (505) 271-2513 for directions, or visit http://www.yellowhousemusic.com or call (806) 792-0566, (806) 995-3353 or (509) 684-1550 for information.
June 20-23, New York, NY, 10th National Roundtable on Women in Prison: A Journey In/Justice. Contact the Women's Prison Association at (212) 674-1163 or visit http://www.wpaonline.org/WEBSITE/rt.html for further information.
June 22, noon-7:00pm, New York, NY, Block Party for Repeal of the Rockefeller Drug Laws. Sponsored by the Seven Neighborhood Action Partnership, featuring speeches by ex-prisoners and state and city officials. At Poor Richard's Playground, E. 109th St. and 3rd Ave. in East Harlem, near the 103rd stop on the 6 Train, contact Jessica Dias at (212) 348-8142 for further information.
June 22, Philadelphia, PA, "Mid-Atlantic Criminal Justice Colloquium: Fostering Compassion, Dignity and Hope," colloquium organized by the Drug Concerns Working Group of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). For further information or to get involved, contact Melissa Whaley at (856) 303-0280 or [email protected].
June 29-July 1, Washington, DC, National Summit on the Impact of
Incarceration on African American Families and Communities. Call (252) 396-0884 or visit http://www.keepthetrust.org/summit/ for information.
July 5-7, Bryn Mawr, PA, "Liberty & Crisis," student seminar with the Institute for Humane Studies. Participation free, application deadline March 29, visit http://www.theihs.org/tab3/thefirst.html or e-mail [email protected] for further information.
August 24-29, Lagos, Nigeria, "Tenth International Conference on Penal Abolition." Contact Prisoners Rehabilitation and Welfare Action (PRAWA) at 234-(0)1-4971356-8 or [email protected], Rittenhouse: A New Vision of Transformative Justice at (416) 972-9992 or [email protected], or visit http://www.interlog.com/~ritten/ for further information.
September 26-28, Los Angeles, CA, "Breaking the Chains: People of Color and the War on Drugs." Conference by the Drug Policy Alliance, e-mail [email protected] to be placed on mailing list for when details become available.
September 30-October 1, Washington, DC, "National Symposium on Felony Disenfranchisement," conference sponsored by The Sentencing Project. Admission free, advance registration required, visit http://www.sentencingproject.org or call (202) 628-0871 for further information.
October 7-9, San Diego, CA, "Inside-Out: Fostering Healthy Outcomes for the Incarcerated and Their Families." Contact Stacey Shank of Centerforce at (559) 241-6162 for information.
November 6-8, 2002, St. Louis, MO, "2nd North American Conference on Fathers Behind Bars and on the Street." Call (434) 589-3036, e-mail [email protected] or visit http:/www.fcnetwork.org for information.
November 8-10, Anaheim, CA, combined national conference of Students for Sensible Drug Policy and the Marijuana Policy Project. Early bird registration $150, $45 for students with financial need, visit http://www.mpp.org/conference/ for further information.
November 9, Anaheim, CA, Bill Maher benefit show for Students for Sensible Drug Policy and the Marijuana Policy Project. Admission $50, or $1,000 VIP package including front-row seat and private reception with Bill Maher. Visit http://www.mpp.org/conference/ for further information.
December 1-4, Seattle, WA, "Taking Drug Users Seriously," Fourth National Harm Reduction Conference. Sponsored by the Harm Reduction Coalition, featuring keynote speaker Dr. Joycelyn Elders, former US Surgeon General. For information, e-mail [email protected], visit http://www.harmreduction.org or call (212) 213-6376.
April 6-10, 2003, Chiangmai, Thailand, 14th International Conference on the Reduction of Drug-Related Harm. Details to follow, e-mail [email protected] to request a full announcement by mail.