MoJo online publishes "Washington's Lonely
Drug War," by former DRCNet Associate Director Adam J. Smith:
Witness for Peace has posted photographs
documenting the impact of recently renewed anti-coca spraying in Putumayo,
-- END --
Issue #216, 12/21/01
Editorial: Taking Freedom in Vain | Washington State Lawyers, Doctors, Pharmacists Issue Call to End Drug War | Education Department Will Not Ease Student Aid Ban, Author Strongly Critical of Decision | Supreme Court to Hear Sentencing Case, Mandatory Minimums Could Be At Risk | Patients, Advocates Sue Feds for Right to Democratically Change District of Columbia Marijuana Laws | Bush Uses Terror War to Push Drug War | Italian Member of European Parliament Arrested in British Cannabis Cafe Case | Ohio "Treatment Not Jail" Initiative Organizers Accuse Governor, Other State Officials of Improper Lobbying | Texas Fights Ditchweed Menace Again | Oregon Activist Couple Plot POTaid Benefit Concert for Drug Reform | DRCNet Plans for 2002/Year-End Donations Needed | Media Scan: Mother Jones, Witness for Peace | Errata and Addendum | Alerts: Bolivia, HEA Drug Provision, DEA Hemp Ban, Ecstasy Bill, Mandatory Minimums, Medical Marijuana | The Reformer's Calendar
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