Issue #206, 10/12/01
Editorial: I Feel Safer Already | DEA Bans Consumption of Hemp Foods Effective Immediately | In First, DEA Raids California Medical Marijuana Doctor, Feds Want to See Patient Records 206/noindictments No Indictments in Missouri Jack-in-the-Box Killings -- Prosecutor Calls Victims Bums | Tales of Bin Laden: New York Times Bites on Ill-Sourced Super Heroin Story Peddled by Unnamed Officials | Dealing with Ecstasy: As Europe Embraces Harm Reduction, Acting Drug Czar Fumes Against It | Jamaica: Prime Minister, Ruling Party Call for National Debate on Ganja Decrim | Bolivia Negotiations Stall as Coca Growers Reject Government Proposal | Activists Propose Take-Out Cannabis Cafe in Brixton, Authorities Mum | Marijuana Legalization Initiative Filed in Alaska, Again | Alerts: HEA Drug Provision, Drug Czar Nomination, DEA Hemp Ban, Ecstasy Bill, Mandatory Minimums, Medical Marijuana | Job Openings at MPP | The Reformer's Calendar
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