The Week Online with DRCNet
(renamed "Drug War Chronicle" effective issue #300, August 2003)
Issue #204, 9/28/01
"Raising Awareness of the Consequences of Drug Prohibition"
Phillip S. Smith, Editor
David Borden, Executive Director
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John Walters drug czar confirmation hearings coming up -- visit
and speak out against this bad nomination!
- Battle Over Civil Liberties Heats Up as Congress Ponders Anti-Terrorism Act
- Help Save Politically Incorrect!
- 9th Circuit Under Scrutiny: Supreme Court to Review Public Housing Ruling, Prosecutors Force Circuit to Reconsider Sentencing Ruling
- Terror Crackdown on Border Puts Kibosh on Smuggling -- For Now
- Student Activism Spurs Appalachian State University Chancellor to Join HEA Drug Provision Repeal Cause
- Nevada Medical Marijuana Law Goes Into Effect Next Week, But Program Lacks Funds, Simple Possession Reduced to Misdemeanor
- While Reformers Brood, Politicos Make Drug-Terror Connection
- Bolivia Forced Eradication Provoking Civil Instability, Indiscriminate Violence by Government Security Forces
- Philly Anti-Poverty Group Does "Drug War Reality Tour," More Planned
- Hemp Industry Advocates Launch TestPledge Program
- Marijuana Prohibition Not Strong Deterrent, Study Says -- Personal Preference and Health Concerns Primary Reasons for Abstention
- From the Archives: Better Uses for Law Enforcement Personnel
- Action Alerts: John Walters, HEA, Ecstasy Bill, Mandatory Minimums, Medical Marijuana
- Job Opportunity: Criminal Justice Policy Foundation, DC
- The Reformer's Calendar
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