DRCNet and some of our allies are offering merchandise and services to raise awareness of the issue and funds for the cause: WEB HOSTING: DRCNet's dedicated web server box has room to spare. If you own a low-traffic Internet domain with straightforward technical needs, you can help us defray the cost of the server -- currently about $500/month -- by hosting your domain with us and paying DRCNet instead of some random company. Our machine sits on one of the fastest Internet hubs available, and your pages will come up on viewers' computer screens nice and fast just like ours. We are asking $25/month for hosting, negotiable, includes web site and a reasonable number of e-mail accounts or aliases. Contact David Borden at [email protected] if interested. SHOP ONLINE: DRCNet is enrolled in the iGive affinity program whereby online shoppers can designate a participating group to receive a portion of the proceeds from their purchases -- you can even earn money for DRCNet just by signing up and visiting the site! (Some of you may have helped us earn several thousand dollars from iGive previously when the program was focused on online ad click-throughs.) Just point your browser to to register with iGive and select DRCNet as your recipient nonprofit. BOOKS: DRCNet is currently offering two new books for free to members contributing $35 or more to the organization -- $40 or more for a copy that's been signed by the author, or donate $75 or more and we'll send you both. "Why Our Drug Laws Have Failed and What We Can Do About It: A Judicial Indictment of the War on Drugs," by Judge James P. Gray of the Orange County, CA Superior Court, and "Waiting to Inhale: The Politics of Medical Marijuana," by Orange County Register editorialist Alan Bock, are both must-reads for anyone seeking intellectual ammunition in the drug debate and a critical understanding of the impact and dynamics of the drug war today. Just visit our donation page at -- make sure to type a note in the comment box telling us which books you want, if any -- or send a check or money order in the mail, to: DRCNet, P.O. Box 18402, Washington, DC 20036. (Note that contributions to the Drug Reform Coordination Network are not tax-deductible. Deductible contributions supporting our educational work can be made to the DRCNet Foundation, same address. Choosing to receive a book with a tax-deductible donation will reduce the size of your deduction by an amount equal to the book's retail value.) T-SHIRTS AND POSTERS: Our friends at Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) are offering two outstanding t-shirts, proceeds of the sales from which will go to provide scholarship money to students losing financial aid because of drug convictions. Visit and check out the online store to buy some! DanceSafe, a national harm reduction organization working in the rave/club scene, is offering t-shirts and posters to supporters making donations to the group. Visit to check it out.