New "Change the Climate" Ad Campaigns Launched 4/20/01

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Last January 5th, DRCNet reported on the Change the Climate ad series on the marijuana issue in Washington, DC area subway and bus stops ( Change the Climate has launched two new ad campaigns this week.

First, an ad that you can view online ( will be running in 36 bus shelters around the capitol. Bus shelters are approximately six feet high by four feet wide.

Change the Climate has also launched an Internet campaign on the web site Daily Jolt, a site frequented by college students, where they are hosting an online marijuana discussion forum. Parents and other adults can also participate until May 4th. Visit to check it out.

Check out other work Change the Climate is doing at and visit to vote for your favorite ad.

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Issue #182, 4/20/01 Editorial: Going Out of Business Day | Bush Budgets $4.66 Billion for Federal Prisons as Federal Prisoner Count Passes 150,000 | Prisoner-on-Prisoner Rape: Human Rights Watch Report Accuses Authorities of "Deliberate Indifference" to Prison Rape Epidemic | DRCNet Interview: Tom Cahill, President of Stop Prisoner Rape | Thailand: Public Executions of Drug Traffickers Begin, US Troops to Train Thais, Regional Tensions Mount | Boxer to Introduce Bill to Double Federal Drug Treatment Funding | Oregon Police Pull Out the Stops to Save Asset Forfeiture Gravy Train | New "Change the Climate" Ad Campaigns Launched | Media Scan: Dan Forbes and on the New Drug Czar, on HEA, Seventeen Magazine, Larry King | The Reformer's Calendar | Job Listing: The Chai Project, New Brunswick, New Jersey

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