Reformers on the Radio 3/2/01

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DRCNet Executive Director David Borden was interviewed by WBAI, the New York affiliate of the Pacifica Radio Network, discussing the drug offender financial aid ban and the campaign to repeal it. The segment is scheduled to air tonight (Friday, 2/2), during the 6:30-7:00pm time slot.

Borden and Students for Sensible Drug Policy National Director Shawn Heller will appear on the Mintwood Hour, a live Internet radio broadcast sponsored by the District of Columbia Independent Media Center. The topic will again be the Higher Education Act drug provision. Listeners need to have Real Audio installed, and should log on to this Thursday (2/8), 9:00pm, and can call in by phone to (202) 797-1280.

-- END --
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Issue #175, 3/2/01 Financial Aid Administrators Join Students to Support Higher Education Act Reform Efforts as Rep. Frank Introduces Repeal Measure | Drug Czar Demoted? Post Still Vacant Amid Hints It Will Lose Cabinet Rank | Thailand: As US Military Moves to Assist in Campaign Against Burmese Drug Exports, Signs of Fatigue Appear | "Monitoring the Future" Head Researcher Speaks Out on Drug Trends, Drug War, Drug Policy | High in the NBA | DRCNet en Español | Reformers On TV | Reformers on the Radio | The Reformer's Calendar

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