The Criminal Justice Policy
Foundation seeks your help in its outreach effort to clergy around the
country, asking them to sign a letter calling on President Clinton to grant
clemency to low-level, nonviolent, Federal drug offenders. Visit to learn more about this effort, and download
a copy of the statement to show to clergy in your community. Contact
Chad Thevenot at (202) 312-2015 or [email protected]
for additional information.
In a related effort, the
November Coalition is turning in its first batch of petitions in the Jubilee
Justice campaign during a visit to Washington the middle of this month.
Signature gathering will continue through the end of this year, but November
needs what you have now. Visit
for further information.
-- END --
Issue #153, 10/2/00
Bolivia: Coca Growers Battle Government Troops as Banzer Regime Totters | Drug-Related Cases On Supreme Court Fall Docket, Tattered Fourth Amendment Again at Issue | More than 100 Leading Medical Professionals Urge US Surgeon General to Protect Doctor-Patient Relationship at Risk in Upcoming Supreme Court Case | Follow That Story: Texas Border DAs Again Tell Feds to Pay Up or They Won't Prosecute | Elections 2000:00:00 Voter Initiatives Address Medical Marijuana, Marijuana Legalization, Sentencing Reform and Asset Forfeiture | Lies, Damn Lies, and Congressman Mica: Funny Numbers on Drug Deaths and Murder | Newsbrief: Colombian Rebels Issue Threat to US Troops | Newsbrief: San Francisco Rejects Seizing Drug Buyers' Cars | Coalition for Jubilee Clemency | Media Scan -- Scoop Charges LA Police Chief Had Evidence of Rampart Corruption a Year Before Expose, Arianna Huffington on Drug War in "Jim Crow, the Sequel" Column | Job Opportunities with Santa Cruz Needle Exchange Program | The Reformer's Calendar
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