HEA Campaign 6/23/00

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We reprint our action calls on the Higher Education Act campaign below -- it's not too late to get involved!  Also, the "Shewire" has run a nice article on this issue -- visit http://shewire.chickclick.com/articles/4167.html to read it.


  1. We urgently need to hear from students who have been affected by this law, especially students who are willing to go public.
  2. Educators are needed to endorse our sign-on letter to Congress.  If you teach or are otherwise involved in education, or are in a position to talk to educators, please write to us at heareform@drcnet.org to request a copy of our educators letter and accompanying activist packet -- available by snail mail or by e-mail.
  3. We need students at more campuses to take the reform resolution to their student governments.  Campuses recently endorsing it include University of Michigan, Yale University, University of Maryland, University of Kansas, the Association of Big Ten Schools, Douglass College at Rutgers University and many more.  Visit http://www.u-net.org for information on the student campaign and how to get involved.
  4. All US voters are asked to visit http://www.RaiseYourVoice.com to send a letter to Congress supporting H.R. 1053, a bill to repeal the HEA drug provision.  Tell your friends and other like-minded people to visit this web site.  Follow up your e-mail and faxes with phone calls; our system will provide you with the phone numbers to reach your US Representative and your two US Senators.
  5. Please contact us if you are involved with organizations that have mainstream credibility that might endorse a similar organizational sign-on letter -- organizations endorsing already include the NAACP, American Public Health Association, ACLU, United States Student Association, NOW, and a range of social, religious and other groups.
  6. -- END --
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    Articles of a purely educational nature in Drug War Chronicle appear courtesy of the DRCNet Foundation, unless otherwise noted.

    Issue #142, 6/23/00 Senate Passes Colombia Military Assistance, Marginal Differences With House Version Head to Conference Committee, What Next? | Cops and Drugs: Police Departments Tolerating Past Drug Use by Job Applicants | Canadian Marijuana Party Forms: "Look Out Ottawa, Here We Come!" | Australia: In Victoria, Drug Reform Comes Painfully Slow, Injection Room Bill Faces Tough Battle | Delaware Mandatory Minimum Sunset Bill | Lies, Damn Lies and the Drug Abuse Warning Network Statistics | US Surgeon General's Latest Research Review Supports Needle Exchange Programs | AlertS: Free Speech, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Washington State | HEA Campaign | Event Calendar | Editorial: Cops, Drug Use, Symbolism

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    1623 Connecticut Ave., NW, 3rd Floor, Washington DC 20009 Phone (202) 293-8340 Fax (202) 293-8344 drcnet@drcnet.org