EVENTS: District of Columbia, Toronto, New York, San Francisco 5/12/00

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May 10-13, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 9th International Conference on Penal Abolition. At Ryerson Polytechnic Metropolitan United Church, $200 CND (agency), $140 CND (individual), $40 low-income, negotiable. Visit for information.

May 12, Brooklyn, NY, noon, "Mothers in Prison, Children in Crisis," rally at Columbus Park for alternatives to prison as the sentencing norm for nonviolent women with dependent children. Call (718) 499-6704 for further information, or visit Columbus Park is in downtown Brooklyn at the intersection of Court and Johnson streets, near the Borough Hall subway stop.

May 17-20, Washington, DC, the 13th International Conference on Drug Policy Reform, sponsored by the Drug Policy Foundation. Visit, e-mail [email protected] or call (202) 537-5005 for further information.

May 22, New York, NY, 7:00pm, Gala Premiere of "GRASS" to benefit NORML. Preview screening of documentary by Ron Mann, at the AMC Empire, 25 Theatres, 234 W. 42nd Street (between 7th and 8th Avenues). Party following at Bar Code, 1540 Broadway (between 45th and 46th Streets), 9:00-11:00pm. Tickets $50 each, call 1-888-67-NORML, seating limited.

August 10-13, San Francisco, CA, "Fourth Annual Hepatitis C Conference," sponsored by the HCV Global Foundation. For information or to register, visit or contact Krebs Convention Management Services, 657 Carolina Street, San Francisco, CA 94107-2725, (415) 920-7000, fax (415) 920-7001, [email protected].

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Articles of a purely educational nature in Drug War Chronicle appear courtesy of the DRCNet Foundation, unless otherwise noted.

Issue #137, 5/12/00 New York Assembly Legalizes Over the Counter Sale of Syringes | Woman Whose Daughter Turned Her In Gets One Year | Justice Department Reports Seventy Percent of Jail Inmates Drug-Involved | Mexico City Police Commissioner Calls for Dutch Approach to Drug Policy | Q and A on Dutch Drug Policy | Report Calls on the UN Biodiversity Convention to Stop Dangerous US Fungus Experiments | Student Senate Overturns Presidential Veto of HEA Reform Resolution | Green Harvest Eradication Program Denied Funding in Hawaii | No Helicopters to Colombia: Act Now Before May 16th Vote | Stop "Smoke a Joint, Lose Your License" -- Action Update | RAISE YOUR VOICE: Action Needed Against Higher Education Act Drug Provision | MORE AlertS: New York and Washington State | EVENTS: District of Columbia, Toronto, New York, San Francisco | Editorial: Family Devalued

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