The much criticized $1.7
billion Colombia military aid package has passed the House of Representatives
but stalled in the Senate. Republican leadership have promised that
the package, primarily military anti-drug aid, including expensive Blackhawk
helicopters, will be taken up during the normal appropriations cycle in
a couple of months.
Only an outpouring of citizen
opposition can stop this ill-conceived legislation from passing and prevent
the increase of human rights abuses that will result if the much condemned Colombian
military receives this funding. Please visit
to tell Congress you oppose the Colombia package, and please tell your
friends and spread the word!
-- END --
Issue #134, 4/21/00
Raise Your Voice! Students with Drug Convictions Losing Financial Aid July 1st | Hawaii: Senate Voting on Medical Marijuana Bill Next Week | New York: Letters Needed, Protests Mobilizing, Hearings Scheduled | Washington State: Medical Marijuana Sign-on Letter in Legislature | Stop the Helicopters | Upcoming Events | Job Opportunities
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