UK Police Report on Drug Prohibition Now Online 3/03/00

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As reported in issue #123 of The Week Online (, the Cleveland (UK) Police Force has issued a report highly critical of prohibition as a basis for drug policy. The report, signed by Chief Constable Brian Shaw, is now online at

DRCNet highly recommends reading the report, which outlines the problems, from a police and societal perspective, inherent in a policy of punitive prohibition and calls for high-level debate into the very underpinnings of a failed policy.

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Issue #127, 3/03/00 Alert: Forfeiture Vote Postponed One Week, Action Still Needed! | Errata: Louisiana Incarceration, Helicopter Manufacturer | Youth Is No Excuse: California Set to Vote on Prop. 21 | Drug Czar Warns Legislators on Illinois Hemp Plan | Michigan's Personal Responsibility Amendment Surges Ahead | News Release: Lindesmith Center Files Amicus Curiae Brief in Supreme Court Case Challenging Drug Testing of Pregnant Women | Germany Legalizes Safe Injecting Rooms | UK Police Report on Drug Prohibition Now Online | Free Charles Garrett Campaign at Critical Juncture | DARE Program and Zero Tolerance School Drug Policies Discussed in Media | EVENTS: New York, Washington

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