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The Week Online with DRCNet
(renamed "Drug War Chronicle" effective issue #300, August 2003)

Issue #124, 2/11/00

"Raising Awareness of the Consequences of Drug Prohibition"

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  1. Vigils/Protests to Greet America's Two Millionth Prisoner on February 15
  2. Senate Subcommittee Chair Vows to End Anti-Drug TV Credits
  3. Newsweek Runs Gore-Warnecke Excerpt, New Yorker Column Good on Policy but Unfair to Sources
  4. Father Appeals Son's Suspension for Refusing Drug Test
  5. British Columbia Supreme Court Orders Renee Boje Surrendered For Extradition -- Appeals Hearing With Justice Minister Set for March 10
  6. UK: Drug Czar Suggests Relaxing Marijuana Enforcement, Then Backpedals
  7. There's A Riot Goin' On: Tales of Police Misconduct Pile Up in Unfolding Los Angeles Scandal
  8. Enforcement Scandals Lead to Death and FALSE Convictions
  9. National Call-In day on Colombia, February 15, 2000
  10. State Action: Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey, South Carolina, Virginia
  11. Editorial: Two Million is Too Many in Prison

this issue, one-page printer version

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