California Counties Using New Law to Decriminalize Needle Exchange 12/17/99

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The counties of Alameda, Berkeley, Contra Costa and Oakland have passed emergency orders supporting needle exchange programs, according to yesterday's San Francisco Chronicle (12/16), fulfilling the requirements of a law passed this year by the California legislature. The emergency order requirement was a compromise with Gov. Gray Davis, who had threatened to veto the original version (see

Needle exchange has drawn support from across California's political spectrum. "I think it's a legitimate means to address the problem," Scott Gordon of the Contra Costa County Republican Central Committee told the Chronicle on Tuesday. "I support it. I know a number of other Republicans do."

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Issue #119, 12/17/99 Gore Briefly Supports Access to Medical Marijuana, Then Backpedals | Physician Leadership on National Drug Policy Receives Major Support | Interview with Dr David Lewis | DEA Approves Hemp Cultivation Permit in Hawaii | Alaska Marijuana Initiative | Poll Finds Most Blacks, Majority of Whites Believe Law Enforcement Targets Minorities | ACLU Condemns Shooting of Denver Man in No-Knock Raid | UN Narcotics Board, Prime Minister Pressure Australian States on Safe-Injecting Rooms | Grams' Son to Face Misdemeanor Charges | Record Number of Drug Prisoners in California | Mendocino Decriminalization Initiative Needs Volunteers | California Counties Using New Law to Decriminalize Needle Exchange | Job Listing in San Francisco | Editorial: At the End of the American Century

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