Seminar in NYC, Friday 5#28 4/24/99

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Bridging the Gap: Creating a Continuum of Care for Drug Users, Friday, May 28, 1-5pm, hosted by Mount Sinai Hospital, co-sponsored by The Statewide Black & Puerto Rican/Latino Substance Abuse Task Force, The Harm Reduction Coalition, The Harm Reduction Care Network of New York, and the Mount Sinai Based HIV Clinical Education Institute. Topics include "Situating the Drug User at the Center to Provide a Continuum of Care" and "Practical Applications of Utilizing Harm Reduction Principles Within a Drug Treatment Setting."

At the Stern Auditorium, Mt. Sinai Medical Center, E. 100th Street & Madison Avenue, NYC. By subway take the 6 train to 96th Street. Stern is in the Annenberg Building on the mezzanine level. Enter Mt. Sinai at the 100th and Madison entrance, go up the stairs, then to your left through the glass doors, and follow the signs to Stern. For further information, contact Ralph Gonzales, (516) 979-7300 ext. 202 or e-mail

(Due to staff travel schedules there is no editorial this week. All previous issues of the Week Online, including the editorials, are archived online, and can be accessed at

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Issue #88, 4/24/99 HEA Reform Campaign Gets Boost | Report: District of Columbia Drug Policy a Disaster | Heroin in Australia: A Conversation with Brian McConnell of Families and Friends for Drug Law Reform | North Dakota Becomes First State to Legalize Hemp Cultivation | Oregon Supreme Court to Review Forfeiture as Double Jeopardy | BOOK: NO Equal Justice, Race and Class in the American Criminal Justice System | Report: In Search of a New Ethic for Treating Patients with Chronic Pain | Seminar in NYC, Friday 28-May

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