The Lindesmith Center, a drug policy think tank, held its 100th seminar this February, and continues the program at this spring. TLC seminar listings are updated at their web site at, which also includes a substantial online library.
On the east coast: Seminars are held at the Open Society Institute, 400 West 59th Street (between 9th and 10th Avenues), 3rd Floor, New York, NY. All are welcome, but seating is limited. Call The Lindesmith Center at (212) 548-0695 or e-mail to reserve a place.
Thursday, April 29th, 4-6pm
Pain and Addiction: Which
Part of the Elephant Are You Touching?
Co-sponsored with the Project on Death in America of the Open Society Institute. Sidney H. Schnoll, MD, PhD, professor of internal medicine and psychiatry, Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University, examines the undertreatment of pain by physicians. Schnoll, chairman, Division of Addiction Medicine, presents recommendations for prescribing opioid pain medication intended to overcome fears of addiction, invasive regulatory oversight and risks of medication abuse.
Monday, May 10th, 4-6pm
The Evolution of Drug Markets
in New York City
Richard Curtis, PhD, professor of anthropology, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, and J. Travis Wendel, JD, PhD candidate, adjunct professor, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, analyze drug distribution in the Lower East Side of Manhattan and the Bushwick and Williamsburg sections of Brooklyn. Curtis and Wendel, ethnographers for "Heroin in the 21st Century," funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and "Lower East Side Trafficking," funded by the National Institute of Justice, examine the evolution of multi-drug markets and their interaction with local communities.
Thursday, May 27th, 4-6pm
Preventing and Managing
Binge Drinking in College Students: A Harm-Reduction Approach
G. Alan Marlatt, PhD, professor of psychology and director, Addictive Behaviors Research Center, University of Washington in Seattle, analyzes trends in alcohol consumption among college students, based on research funded by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Marlatt, editor of Harm Reduction: Pragmatic Strategies for Managing High Risk Behaviors (Guilford Press, 1998), offers techniques for managing and preventing alcohol-related harms.
Tuesday, June 8th, 4-6pm
Coca Leaf: Sacrament and
Carolina Salguero, photographer, and Anthony Henman, author of Mama Coca (1978), examine the use of coca in the Andes. Salguero, grantee of the Fund for Investigative Journalism, presents a slide show focusing on the role of coca in the daily lives of campesinos in Apurimac Valley, Peru. Henman, former professor of anthropology, University of São Paolo / Campinas, Brazil, analyzes the role of coca in Andean culture.
Wednesday, June 23rd, 4-6pm
Exchange, Distribution or
Sale? Strategies for Syringe Availability
Donald Grove, director of development, Harm Reduction Coalition and Moving Equipment, Robert Heimer, PhD, associate professor of epidemiology and public health, Yale University School of Medicine, and Beth Weinstein, MPH, director, Bureau of Community Health AIDS Program, Connecticut Department of Public Health, examine strategies for sterile syringe availability.
On the west coast: TLC-West forum and conference locations vary. Call (415) 921-4987 or e-mail for information, to reserve a space, or to sign up for the TLC-West mailing list.
Thursday, April 29, 5-7pm
Heroin Overdose Prevention
Held at the San Francisco
Medical Society, 1409 Sutter (at Franklin) Heroin Overdose Prevention.
With: Karl Sporer, MD, Assistant Clinical Professor, UCSF School of Medicine,
Attending Physician, San Francisco General Hospital Emergency Services;
Dan Bigg, Director, Chicago Recovery Alliance; and Reda Sobky, MD, Medical
Director of HAART, Fort Help and Castro Valley Methadone Clinics, San Francisco.
Monday, May 3, 8:30am-5pm,
and Tuesday, May 4, 9am-5pm
Bridging the Gap: Integrating
Traditional Substance Abuse and Harm Reduction Services
Held at the Radisson Miyako Hotel, 1625 Post Street (at Geary), San Francisco. An educational workshop for members of the San Francisco provider community. Presented by the San Francisco Department of Public Health, The Lindesmith Center, and the Harm Reduction Training Institute, with additional funding from SAMSA and DPF. Speakers include: Wesley Clark, Director of San Francisco Community Substance Abuse Services (CSAS); Alan Marlatt, University of \ Washington; Patt Denning, Addiction Treatment Alternatives, SF; and Rubin Medina, Executive Director, Promesa, NY. Attendees must be pre-registered. For information, call Bill Lapp at 4(15) 255-3522.
Thursday, October 29, all
New Directions in Drug Education
Held at the Golden Gate Club, Presidio of San Francisco, featuring educators, researchers, students and parents. For information, contact TLC-West at (415) 921-4987.
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Issue #87, 4/16/99 HEA Reform Campaign Online Petition Launched | Conyers Reintroduces Racial Profiling Legislation | Conyers Introduces Legislation to End Felony Disenfranchisement | Unarmed Boy Shot in Drug Raid | California Legislators Consider "Three Strikes" Modification | Doctor's Undertreatment of Pain Draws Penalty | Nevada Legislature Mulls Marijuana Decriminalization Bill | Seminars at the Lindesmith Center | Editorial: Disparity Dilemma |
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