reprinted from the NORML
Weekly News,
February 25, 1999, Columbia,
SC: Legislation proposed by Sen. David Thomas (R-Greenville) seeks
to crack down on individuals who attempt to skirt a drug test by using
someone else's urine. General Bill 277 makes "selling or purchasing
urine with intent to defraud a drug screening test a felony" punishable
by up to five years in jail.
Kenneth Curtis, owner of
Privacy Protection Services, a Marietta-based company that markets urine
substitution kits, surmises that the measure is in response to the ability
of products like his to thwart a urine test.
"Lawmakers are trying to
shoot the messenger here," he said. "This situation is an example
of law enforcement encroachment into what is now mostly a private sector
testing business. People should be concerned about government officials
that would support over stepping into private sector testing." Thomas
argues that his legislation is necessary because "the safety of the public
is at stake here." His measure awaits action by the Senate Judiciary
-- END --
Issue #80, 2/26/99
Announcements | UN Drug Control Board Laments Reform, Urges Member Nations to Toe the Drug War Line | Iran Says Executing Drug Smugglers "Unsuitable Solution" #NAME? US Legislators Want to Try It Here | DEA Chief Constantine Rips US Drug War Efforts, Bemoans Mexican Situation | Jesse "The Governor" Ventura on the Drug War | Sen. McCain Seeks Radical Cutbacks in Methadone Maintenance | California Officials Comment on Medical Marijuana | South Carolina Mulls Making Sale of Urine a Felony Offense | American Farm Bureau Reverses Position on Hemp at Convention | Canada: Terminally Ill Man Will Continue to Smoke Marijuana Despite Conviction | Author of "Drug Crazy" Lecturing in Dallas, March 2nd | Editorial: Mr. Ventura Comes to Washington
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