Israel to Set Standards for Medicinal Use of Marijuana 1/29/99

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The Israeli Ministry of Health appointed a six-member panel last week (1/20) to establish guidelines under which physicians in that country will be permitted to prescribe marijuana for medicinal use. The Committee, which will include physicians, public officials and jurists, will define conditions for which such prescriptions are appropriate, as well as safeguards to insure that the policy is not used as a loophole for recreational users.

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Issue #76, 1/29/99 Your Tax Dollars at Work: US Developing Fungi to Kill Narcotics Plants | Higher Education Act Student Reform Effort | Rep. Ron Paul to Introduce Financial Privacy Legislation to Block Intrusive "Know Your Customer" Banking Rules | Hemp for Victory | Israel to Set Standards for Medicinal Use of Marijuana | Life for Nonviolent Juveniles Proposed in Virginia | The Lindesmith Center Drug Policy Seminar Series, January through April | Conferences and Events | Harm Reduction Training Institute, Winter '99 Calendar | Report: Militarized Democracy in the Americas | Editorial: Strange Logic

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