Running out of time and still don't know what to give your loved ones, friends or colleagues this holiday season? Consider giving them a copy of Shattered Lives: Portraits from America's Drug War -- it will be a powerful way of letting them know that you care about them, this country, and the injustice that is being perpetrated on a growing segment of the population. DRCNet has teamed up with Human Rights '95 ( for a special holiday offer: For just $25 complete, we will send a copy of Shattered Lives to your gift recipient, along with a card saying that this is a holiday gift from you, with best wishes for a peaceful, just, and free 1999! It will be sent by priority mail from the HR '95 office in El Cerrito, California, to make sure they get it in plenty of time for Christmas or Chanukah. To order, send a check or money order for $25 (discounts available on quantities of three or more), to: DRCNet, 2000 P St., NW, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036, or call us at (202) 293-8340 or fax to (202) 293-8344 to pay by credit card, or use our secured online credit card form at -- indicate in the comments box that you are purchasing a gift, and include the name and address of the person to whom you wish it to be sent, and how you would like the card addressed. Giving the gift of knowledge is invaluable. People truly need to know what is going on in the name of the Drug War, and because this book tells personal stories from the front lines, everyone will find people in it with whom they can relate or sympathize. Give Shattered Lives to someone who has no idea just how out of control this Drug War is, or who as the "lock 'em up and throw away the key" mentality, or who just doesn't understand why you feel so passionately about this subject. Give it to someone who's taking risks without understanding the consequences, or to kids who need a warning before they start to experiment with drugs. Give it to a politician who doesn't understand how much harm they are doing, or to a minister who can use material for a sermon, or to a teacher who can use it as class material. Many nonviolent prisoners of the Drug War will be spending yet another holiday with prison guards rather than their loved ones. By helping their faces and stories to be known, you will be giving them a gift of hope this holiday season, and a chance for justice to prevail.