Hemp BC Business License Hearing Scheduled for Next Week 9/25/98

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The Vancouver City Council is set to hold a "show-cause" hearing on September 29 to determine whether Hemp B.C. should be granted a business license.  City officials have so far denied Hemp B.C.'s application for a license, disputing Shelley Francis' ownership of the store and citing criminal charges pending against the store's founder and former owner, Marc Emery.  Hemp B.C. encourages Vancouver residents to meet at City Hall on September 29 to show their support for the store.  To read Hemp B.C.'s description of the problem, and to learn about the $1,000,000 suit they have filed against the City of Vancouver, visit their web site at http://www.hempbc.com.

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Issue #60, 9/25/98 DRCNet Nearing the 7,000 Mark -- Your Voice Needed | Alert: Congress Considers Jailing Children With Adults | Alert: from the Andean Information Network | On the Web | Canadian Hemp Shop Bust Aided by US Agents | Hemp BC Business License Hearing Scheduled for Next Week | Media Note: CBS Drama to Highlight Medical Marijuana | Volunteers Needed for Washington, DC Medical Marijuana Initiative | New Study Indicates That Cannabis Relieves Pain | Drug War Militarization Bill Passes House Over Objections of Colombia | Background on Juvenile Justice Bill | Massacre in Ensenada, Mexico Hits Close to US | Minnesota Marijuana Law Faces Constitutional Challenge | Human Rights Activists Accuse Russian Police of Planting Drugs | National Conference on Prisons This Weekend | Editorial: Repentance for the Drug War

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