Mike Gray, author of the book Drug Crazy, released by Random House last June, is debating prohibitionist activist Sally Satel on the online magazine Slate, Go to the Slate home page and click on the War on Drugs dialogue link (towards the bottom of the page), then read the Gray/Satel debate, vote and join the discussion; you will have to register for a free trial account, if you are not a Slate subscriber. Last we checked, Gray and Satel had each posted two installments. In our opinion, Satel's lack of logic had already become apparent, next to our favorite author's clear and forceful exposition of the hard reality of prohibition's failure. If you haven't been on DRCNet for very long and don't know about Drug Crazy, we urge you to get out to your local bookstore and pick up a copy, or suggest they order some copies if you don't see it there. Drug Crazy is the best, most readable history of prohibition ever written for the popular audience. Mike Gray, whose credits include the script from the hit movie The China Syndrome as well as work on Star Trek: The Next Generation (and who is a member of DRCNet's advisory board), spent six years researching and writing Drug Crazy, about which he told the Chicago Tribune last week "I look at everything I'd done as training for this book," and about which New York magazine wrote "Gray's point -- and though he's not the first to make it, he has honed and hardened it enough to pierce the thickest skulls -- is that the drug war isn't... an authentic conflict between enemies but a hysterical splitting of the whole." Further, Drug Crazy includes an extensive appendix of Internet drug policy resources, highlighting DRCNet and the early Internet drug policy reform work of DRCNet founder David Borden and DRCNet drug library founder Cliff Schaffer. Gray exchanged views with U.S. Drug Czar Barry McCaffrey on CNN, a debate that McCaffrey tried to hide behind after making a fool of himself in Europe with his wildly inaccurate misstatements on the Netherlands drug situation (see A couple of reviews of Drug Crazy are available online -- Walter Kirn's review in New York magazine, July 13,, and amazingly, a review by Senior U.S. District Judge John L. Kane, Jr., in the Denver Post, June 28, online at Read more about Drug Crazy at
-- END --
Issue #57, 9/04/98
Gray vs. Satel in Slate Online Magazine | Federal Judge Rejects Oakland Buyers' Club Status, Rejects Government's Call for Immediate Shut-Down | Police Seize Methadone Treatment Clinic Files | In Response to Slaying, "Chad's Law" Will Place Stricter Limits on Use of Children as Informants in California | Judge Finds City-Imposed Restrictions on Scheduled Marijuana Rally Unconstitutional | Survey Finds American Teens Woefully Uninformed about Government | California State Senate Adjourns without Taking Action on Medical Marijuana Research Bill | Afghani Opium Crop Grows Despite Taliban's Promises of Eradication | Editorial: From Ignorance to Tyranny
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