SACRAMENTO, Sep. 1: Senator Vasconcellos' medical marijuana research bill, SB 535, died as the result of a legislative accident today, when the State Senate was adjourned prematurely before the Assembly could finish business. SB 535 was on the floor of the Assembly and had a good shot at passage, when Senate President John Burton announced he was adjourning the State Senate early as part of a dispute with the Assembly concerning other matters. Medical marijuana backers were disappointed by the failure of SB 535, although Gov. Wilson was expected to veto the bill. They expect the bill will be re-introduced and signed into law next year, since both leading candidates for governor have announced their support for it. For more information, contact California NORML at (415) 563-5858 or e-mail [email protected].
-- END --
Issue #57, 9/04/98
Gray vs. Satel in Slate Online Magazine | Federal Judge Rejects Oakland Buyers' Club Status, Rejects Government's Call for Immediate Shut-Down | Police Seize Methadone Treatment Clinic Files | In Response to Slaying, "Chad's Law" Will Place Stricter Limits on Use of Children as Informants in California | Judge Finds City-Imposed Restrictions on Scheduled Marijuana Rally Unconstitutional | Survey Finds American Teens Woefully Uninformed about Government | California State Senate Adjourns without Taking Action on Medical Marijuana Research Bill | Afghani Opium Crop Grows Despite Taliban's Promises of Eradication | Editorial: From Ignorance to Tyranny
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