Last week, we reported that officials in the province of British Columbia, including the Chief Coroner and the Police Chief of Vancouver, had endorsed a report calling for new drug policies, including a trial program in which heroin addicts could receive the drug through legal channels ( Earlier this week, Libby Davis, Member of Parliament for Vancouver East, announced that she would be filing a motion calling on the federal government to immediately implement clinical, multi-centre prescription heroin trials. "The situation in the Downtown Eastside is critical," Davies said. "People are dying in the streets because we have failed to act. The motion I will be introducing when the House of Commons resumes provides a rallying point for support of a medicalized approach to addiction... Two hundred addicts have died already this year, and many estimate that another two hundred will perish before the year is over. These needless deaths are entirely preventable if the government chooses to act now, in cooperation with the provinces, to provide the proper medical and social support. Heroin trials, and the appropriate and controlled medical care that will stem from those trials, are one step toward stemming this epidemic before more people are forced to pay with their lives." For further information, contact Davies' office at (604) 775-5800 (Vancouver) or (613) 992-6030 (Ottawa).
-- END --
Issue #54, 8/14/98
Study Comes Out Against Jailing of Women Who Use Drugs During Pregnancy | Canadian Member of Parliament to Introduce Motion on Heroin Trials | Australian Families and Friends Groups Hold "Voice Day" in Queensland, September 1st | Cannabis Club Staff Designated as Officers of City of Oakland | NIDA Ignores Own Experts' Advice to Provide Marijuana for Medical Research | Harm Reduction Conference in New Jersey | Conferences Coming Up | Editorial: An Injustice in California (Top)
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