Money Laundering Sting Sparks International Incident 6/19/98

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Last month DRCNet reported that some experts believe the significance of the Mexican money laundering banking sting, Operation Casablanca, in which 150 people were arrested and $50 million was seized, was overblown and that it was not likely to have a significant impact on the illegal trade (

The operation has, however, touched off an international incident.  A June 7 Reuters story reported that Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo was planning to blast the United States for violating Mexico's sovereignty, during the UN Global Drug Summit at which he was to speak.  In subsequent statements, the Mexican government has accused US agents of violating Mexican law, and has threatened to request their extradition to Mexico for trial.

-- END --
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Issue #46, 6/19/98 McCaffrey Calls Legalization Movement "a devious fraud" -- Senator Biden Proposes Hearings | Republican Drug War Amendment to Tobacco Bill Passes Senate, but Legislation Will Likely Fizzle | Pain Patients Protest at Capitol, Blast DEA and Medical Boards | Report on the Heroin Maintenance Conference in New York | Money Laundering Sting Sparks International Incident | Royal Canadian Mounted Police Aided in Money Laundering | Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse Recommends Decriminalization | French Government Report: Marijuana Poses Less Danger Than Alcohol | District of Columbia Medical Marijuana Initiative Seeking Volunteers, Petition Deadline Coming Up | Editorial: A Marker on the Path to Sanity

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