Clinton Administration Declares Syringe Exchange Safe and Effective: But Will Not Lift Ban 4/24/98

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On Monday (4/20) Donna Shalala made the unequivocal determination that syringe exchange programs reduce the spread of AIDS without increasing drug use. Nevertheless, the administration announced that it would not lift the ban against the use of federal anti-AIDS funds for the programs. The funding, which is already in the hands of state and local governments, would allow for the expansion of the programs to fight the number one cause of new cases of AIDS and HIV in America.

We will have in-depth coverage of this ongoing story in next week's issue.

YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST: Two weeks ago (WOL - Issue #36) DRCNet was *the first publication in the nation* to announce that a decision by the administration was forthcoming. And unlike the major media outlets (e.g. SF Chronicle, CNN) who announced, at various times in the interim, that the ban would be lifted, we reported only that Secretary Shalala was "supportive", and that the decision would be announced "within two weeks". You can check out that exclusive report at

(Sounds like a good reason to support DRCNet by becoming a member, doesn't it?

You can learn more about the impact of injection-related AIDS on your state by visiting DRCNet's site at

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Issue #39, 4/24/98 Medical Marijuana Protesters Have Charges Dropped | Clinton Administration Declares Syringe Exchange Safe and Effective: But Will Not Lift Ban | Soros Pledges Additional $1 Million for Needle Exchanges in US | Hemispheric Leaders Pledge Cooperation in Global Drug War | Belgium Decriminalizes Cannabis | Editorial: Tobacco, the Newest Drug

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