(Please accept our apology to anyone whose important event we missed. Submit your event listings by e-mail to [email protected], as far in advance as possible.) - Oklahoma City, 4/20: FREE WILL FOSTER RALLY! Capitol Building, 4:00pm. Featured speakers include Will Foster's wife, Meg, and DRCNet Associate Director Adam J. Smith. For info, call OK NORML at (405) 366-8058, or visit IF YOU LIVE ANYWHERE NEAR OK CITY, PLEASE TRY TO ATTEND AND PROTEST THIS EXTREME VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS.
- Philadelphia, 4/20: UPDATE ON SYRINGE EXCHANGE AND LOBBYING TEACH-IN. St. Luke's Church at 330 S. 13th Street, between Pine and Spruce, 6:00pm. For info, call (215) 731-1844 or e-mail Julie Davids at [email protected].
- Vancouver, BC, 4/21: SENSIBLE SOLUTIONS TO THE URBAN DRUG PROBLEM, A Fraser Institute Conference. For info, contact Patrick Basham, (604) 688-0221 x329, [email protected],
- Washington, DC, 4/22: SYRINGE EXCHANGE LOBBY DAY. For info, contact Chris Lanier, National Coalition to Save Lives Now, (212) 213-6376, e-mail [email protected].
- Baltimore, MD, 4/24-26: NASEC VII - 8th North American Syringe Exchange Convention. For info, visit (it's too late to call).
- Forums in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN), for info, contact Scott Warnick at (612) 292-9815 or e-mail [email protected]:
- 4/27, 7:00pm, University of Minnesota Law School. Ethan Nadelmann will speak on "Harm Reduction: An Alternative Drug Policy."
- 5/28, 7:00pm, University of Minnesota Law School. Joel Brown, Ph.D. will speak on "Future Directions in Drug Abuse Prevention"
- At various locations throughout Oregon: "MAMA's Vision", 4/20 - 5/8. Sandee Burbank of Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse will present a computer generated, animated show that describes MAMA's harm-reduction based drug education program. For info, call (541) 298-1031 or check the new MAMA web site at
-- END --
Issue #38, 4/17/98
Week Online Reprint Policy | UN Ambassador Richardson heads to Afghanistan... Narcotics Tops Agenda | "Global Days Against the Drug War" United Nations Protest Takes Shape | Press Release: Dutch Study Finds Marijuana Use Lower than Previously Thought | Commerce Department Report: Over 100 Million People Online... but most of them not on DRCNet | College Student Suspended for Two Semesters for Protesting Zero-Tolerance Policy | Special Report: Medical Marijuana in Canada, and its Potential Impact on the US | Events Coming Up | Editorial: The 20-Apr Debate
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