Our heartfelt thanks to the many of you who responded to our March 31 call for members. When we put out the bulletin Tuesday afternoon, we were still 22 paying members short of our 1st quarter of 750. By the end of the day, we had topped 780, and many more have come in since then. Your donations provided much need cash, and most importantly, helped us reached our goal. Now we can go to our funders and show them that our members support us and that we are on the right track. Their major support will help us build the rapid response team from its nearly 5,000 subscribers now, to 50,000, and from 50,000 to 100,000. Those of you who stepped up to the plate this week should be proud. You are part of the solution; together we will help lead the world out of the darkness of Prohibition and the War on Drugs. Our second quarter goal, however, is much more ambitious: we are trying to reach 1,300 paying members by July 1. That means we need nearly 40 new people to send in dues each week, nearly 6 per day. This ambitious goal is necessary, in order to secure DRCNet's long-term financial stability, so that we can advance to the next level. Some of these new members will come in naturally, as the rapid response team continues to grow. And some of them may come from prospect mailings and events. You can help by getting more people to subscribe to this list -- just tell them to go to http://www.stopthedrugwar.org and enter their name, e-mail address and state or country. If you are involved with drug policy or other relevant events, or come into contact with people on a regular basis, you can bring DRCNet e-mail signup sheets with you and send them back to us with new subscribers. (Please write if you are interested in helping in this way.) We also have brochures that we will gladly send to anyone who will distribute them. If you haven't yet sent in your full membership dues or $10 virtual dues, you may be interested in the following offer, good through the end of April: We will send free copies of Marijuana Myths, Marijuana Facts to anyone sending in the basic $25 annual dues ($5 down from the usual $30). As excellent a book as MMMF is, we won't be offering it this way for more than a few more months, so get your copy now! Please visit our secure registration form at http://www.drcnet.org/drcreg.html, or mail your checks to: DRCNet, 2000 P St., NW, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036. (Credit card donors should make sure to follow the link to the secure version.)
-- END --
Issue #36, 4/3/98
DRCNet Membership Drive a Success -- New Offer for April | "Free Will Foster" Rally to be Held in Oklahoma City | Aids Advisory Council to Vote on Resolution Calling for Shalala's Resignation | Shalala Milk Ad Parodied by Pro-Needle Exchange Group | Senate Fails to Reverse Mexico's Certification | Lungren Motion Denied: San Francisco Buyers' Club to Remain Open Pending Jury Trial | Multiple Sclerosis Patient, in Act of Civil Disobedience, Consumes Cannabis in Congressional Office | RIT Students Defend Open Debate: Campus Marijuana Law Reform Group Pushes for University Recognition | Murdered Teen Informant Made Deal Directly with Brea Police | Lawmakers Call for Further Arms Buildup in Colombia | High-Powered New Zealand Group Issues Report: Legalize And Regulate Cannabis | Link of the Week: An Up-Close Look at the Action | Editorial: Escalation in Colombia -- On a Path Into the Jungle
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