The United Nations will hold the first-ever Special Session of the General Assembly on Drugs, from June 8th to June 10th 1998 in New York. The session was originally conceived as a critical examination of worldwide anti-drug policy. The focus of this session has now been narrowed. According to the new guidelines, only the expansion of existing policies will be open for discussion. The United Nations aims to escalate current drug repression tactics in a catastrophic quest toward a 'drug free' society. In terms of crime, economic and financial damage, and social and personal harm, this policy is turning into a worldwide crisis. The organizations participating in the Global Days Against the Drug War consider it of great importance that alternative proposals be heard at the onset of this session. That is why we are calling on individuals and organizations throughout the world to plan or participate in events -- anything from discussion forums or town meetings to street parties and outright demonstrations -- during the weekend of June 6-8, 1998. Many events are already being planned. The purpose of the events is to raise awareness of the various issues impacted by the drug war, both locally and globally. As this is a broad coalition comprised of individuals and organizations from a wide range of philosophical and political perspectives, please note that joining the coalition does not imply endorsement of the mission of any other organization or of the events themselves. We intend to make a clear statement that what is needed is not escalated repression, but reform policies aimed at reducing the damage currently done. To this aim, these organizations have recently united to form the Global Coalition for Alternatives to the Drug War. You will find the list of participating organizations, contact information for events already being planned and the coalition's declaration at <> and <>. (Note that the Coalition's position is not specifically legalization, though many of the member organizations, including DRCNet, do have that position. All individuals and organizations who feel that the War on Drugs as it is currently conducted is harmful or wrong, are welcome and encouraged to join. Organizations planning events may decide whatever focus or spin to put on their own efforts.) If you are a member of an organization concerned about one or more aspects of the Drug War, your organization can help make the Global Coalition against the Drug War a success. Please join the coalition, co-sign the declaration with us, and, if possible, participate in the 1998 Global Days against the Drug War. Participating organizations are encouraged to plan their own version of the 1998 Global Days Against the Drug War, under their own identity and name. In the next several weeks, the coalition will issue press releases with the names of all the organizations that have joined the coalition. On behalf of the Global Coalition for Alternatives to the Drug War, with best regards, Kevin Zeese ([email protected]) Adam Smith ([email protected]) Harry Bego ([email protected]) To join the coalition, or learn more about it, visit <>. The United Nations will hold the first-ever Special Session of the General Assembly on Drugs, from June 8th to June 10th 1998 in New York. The session was originally conceived as a critical examination of worldwide anti-drug policy. The focus of this session has now been narrowed. According to the new guidelines, only the expansion of existing policies will be open for discussion. The United Nations aims to escalate current drug repression tactics in a catastrophic quest toward a 'drug free' society. In terms of crime, economic and financial damage, and social and personal harm, this policy is turning into a worldwide crisis. The organizations participating in the Global Days Against the Drug War consider it of great importance that alternative proposals be heard at the onset of this session. That is why we are calling on individuals and organizations throughout the world to plan or participate in events -- anything from discussion forums or town meetings to street parties and outright demonstrations -- during the weekend of June 6-8, 1998. Many events are already being planned. The purpose of the events is to raise awareness of the various issues impacted by the drug war, both locally and globally. As this is a broad coalition comprised of individuals and organizations from a wide range of philosophical and political perspectives, please note that joining the coalition does not imply endorsement of the mission of any other organization or of the events themselves. We intend to make a clear statement that what is needed is not escalated repression, but reform policies aimed at reducing the damage currently done. To this aim, these organizations have recently united to form the Global Coalition for Alternatives to the Drug War. You will find the list of participating organizations, contact information for events already being planned and the coalition's declaration at <> and <>. (Note that the Coalition's position is not specifically legalization, though many of the member organizations, including DRCNet, do have that position. All individuals and organizations who feel that the War on Drugs as it is currently conducted is harmful or wrong, are welcome and encouraged to join. Organizations planning events may decide whatever focus or spin to put on their own efforts.) If you are a member of an organization concerned about one or more aspects of the Drug War, your organization can help make the Global Coalition against the Drug War a success. Please join the coalition, co-sign the declaration with us, and, if possible, participate in the 1998 Global Days against the Drug War. Participating organizations are encouraged to plan their own version of the 1998 Global Days Against the Drug War, under their own identity and name. In the next several weeks, the coalition will issue press releases with the names of all the organizations that have joined the coalition. On behalf of the Global Coalition for Alternatives to the Drug War, with best regards, Kevin Zeese ([email protected]) Adam Smith ([email protected]) Harry Bego ([email protected]) To join the coalition, or learn more about it, visit <>.