CNN Online Poll -- 96% Favor Legalizing Medical Marijuana: The people send a message to the politicians 3/13/98

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Results of an online poll released this week (3/12) show that of 25,000 respondents, over 96% favored the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Fewer than 1,000 respondents voted no. Keith Stroup, Executive Director of the National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws said that "Every poll that has been taken on this issue shows that a solid majority of Americans do not want sick and dying people to risk arrest for choosing to treat their symptoms or their pain with marijuana. Medical marijuana is a primary example of an issue where the people are way out in front of the politicians."

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Issue #33, 3/13/98 Colorado: Needle Exchange Killed in Committee -- Activists Vow Civil Disobedience if Necessary | President's Advisory Commission on AIDS to Meet Next Week | A Conversation with Robert Fogel, Member of President's Advisory Commission on AIDS | Medical Marijuana Rally in San Francisco | CNN Online Poll -- 96% Favor Legalizing Medical Marijuana: The people send a message to the politicians | Special Legislative Alert -- House of Representatives to Debate the Medical Use of Marijuana | Bill in Oklahoma Would Allow the Governor to Call Out the National Guard in Drug Cases | New Drug Testing Bill Approved in Iowa Legislature | In Radio Call-In Poll, 84% of Young Brits Claim a Right to Use Drugs: Also... see this week's editorial | House of Lords to Study Cannabis: The Debate is Taken up at the Highest Levels of the British Government | Massive Cannabis Legalization March to be Held in London | Editorial: Americans, the Drug War, and the Concept of Rights

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