The Irish Independent (2/27) reported that Father Gerry Raftery of the
Franciscan Justice Office told the Irish National Crime Forum that "if
limited legalization (heroin prescription) was considered and if the drugs
issue was redefined as a health issue rather than a criminal matter a number
of positive effects would ensue." Father Raftery told the Forum that
up to 60% of property crime in Dublin was drug-related and that there are
as many as 10,000 IV drug users in the Dublin area. The goal of the 35-member
Forum is to create a "white paper" which would then serve as
a model for criminal justice policy in Ireland for the next several decades.
-- END --
Issue #32, 3/6/98
Legislators Blast Mexico Certification: Resolutions to Overturn Introduced in Both Houses | US House Panel Approves Resolution Against Medical Marijuana | Newt Gingrich Calls for Lifetime Ban of Drug-Using Athletes Who Refuse to Snitch | Violent Week in Giuliani's New York Drug War | Medical Marijuana Initiative Filed in Washington State | Federal Agent Cleared in Shooting of Candy Bar-Holding Teen: Plus -- An Interview with Robert Godosky, the Teen's Attorney | Professor's Penn State Pot Protest Continues | California Inmates Get Ruling -- but no Justice -- in Sexual Assault Case | Industrial Hemp Legalized in Canada! | French Artists, Intellectuals Sign Petition Challenging Drug Laws | Irish Priest Urges Legalization | Quote of the Week: Who's the most "silly son-of-a- bitch" in Colorado politics? | Editorial: A real live shooting war in America
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