Former Mexican Governor Arrested for Money Laundering 1/30/98

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Flavio Romero de Velasco, a former governor of Jalisco State, was arrested this week for allegedly laundering money for known drug traffickers. The Mexican office of the Attorney General issued a statement on Saturday, Jan. 24 which said in part, "It is the conclusion of this government office that Romero de Velasco laundered money with the drug trafficker Rigoberto Gaxiola Medina, who has escaped Mexican justice since April 4, 1997."

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Issue #27, 1/30/98 Please Respond! Recovered Addict Arrested and Incarcerated for Fleeing Treatment -- in 1972! | Officials in Oakland, San Francisco Oppose Federal Efforts to Close Medical Marijuana Outlets | ...and Mendocino County Sends Even A Stronger Message | Florida's Cabinet Votes to Oppose Medical Marijuana Initiative | High School Libraries Censor Marijuana Research Book Despite Wide Scientific Praise | Penn State Professor Stages Second Protest -- and is Assaulted by Campus Police Chief | 44 Ohio Cops Charged with Drug-Corruption | Reno Delays Release of CIA/Crack Cocaine Report | Former Mexican Governor Arrested for Money Laundering | Drugs for Arms in Northern Ireland | Former Scotland Yard Drug Chief Urges Legalization of Drugs | Link of the Week: The Chicago Police are Looking for a Few Good Snitches | Editorial: Prosecutorial Discretion and the Death of Common Sense

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