Hello again, and Happy New Year to all of our friends and subscribers. Thanks to everyone who took the time to e-mail their holiday wishes to us. Please know that although many of you told us how happy you were to have us around, we are even happier to have you out there, writing letters, sending us your local stories and generally raising your voices against this disastrous War. While 1997 was certainly an exciting year for the reform movement, it is beginning to look as if 1998 will turn out to be THE year that the war becomes an albatross hanging around the necks of its supporters. Mandatory minimum sentences, medical marijuana and needle exchange all figure to see positive movement at both the state and federal levels this year in the US, and cannabis legalization will be one of the major issues in Europe over the next twelve months. In June, the United Nations will be holding its first-ever Special Session of the General Assembly on the issue of narcotics. This will be an event which will capture the world stage, and plans are already in the works for a weekend of protest events to take place around the globe to coincide with the opening of the session. DRCNet will be participating in a leadership role in those plans, and will be providing ongoing info on the developments to this list. So stay tuned. In November, voters in a number of states will be voting on drug policy-related ballot measures. This will provide an opportunity not only to change laws, but to widen the debate on the national stage. Our subscribers have already contributed mightily to the growth of that debate, and, with aggressive plans getting underway to promote this service and bring in thousands of new subscribers, that impact will increase exponentially this year. So stay tuned, and stay active. The tide has turned and momentum is now in our favor. With the drug warriors certain to furiously defend the faltering regime to which their stars are hitched, it is more important than ever to make our case, and to make it well. Keep in mind that one day your children or grandchildren will learn in school about this sad chapter in the history of American and global justice and compassion, and you will be able to tell them with well-deserved pride that you were a part of the solution. And that will be a message which will serve them well. Adam and Dave