DRCNet has signed up with an innovative new service that can help you to raise significant funds for our work -- no cost, no catch. The concept is as follows: EyeGive, an innovative web-based service, provides a front page for your web browser (optionally set as the default page when you open your browser), on which are displayed several advertisements. Each time you click on one of these ad banners, up to five times per day, DRCNet will receive between 5 and 15 cents. This is possible because the advertisers pay EyeGive on a per-hit basis, and EyeGive donates 50% of their fee to your favorite non-profit (that would be us). It takes just three to four minutes to go through EyeGive's setup instructions, and you'll be set to go! Then, each time you open your browser, just take a moment to click on an ad, and a donation will go to DRCNet. (The page even tells you how much!) The ads, which rotate each time you return to the page, are tailored to your interests based on the short member survey you'll fill out when you register. Note that although EyeGive requires some information for your participation in this program, you are not obligated to provide your name or address, and EyeGive keeps all of your information confidential. We've spoken with the founder of EyeGive, and feel secure that the operation is legitimate. TO GIVE YOU AN IDEA OF THE SIGNIFICANCE OF YOUR PARTICIPATION: if each of you signed up, opened your browsers once each weekday and clicked on just two ads, DRCNet's entire operating budget would triple. (And if you like what we're doing now, wait till you see what we have planned!) DRCNet, like most small non-profits, faces an ongoing struggle to make ends meet. Whether or not you are able to donate money right now, you can help DRCNet on a continuous basis. And we need your help to be able to keep providing The Week Online and our other services. REMEMBER, THERE IS NO PURCHASE NECESSARY -- EVERYONE WITH A WEB BROWSER CAN HELP DRCNET, JUST BY PARTICIPATING. HOW IT WORKS: Just go to http://www.eyegive.com/html/ssi.cfm?CID=1060 on the web, and you'll automatically be set up with DRCNet as your non-profit. (If it doesn't work, try http://www.eyegive.com and search on "Drug Reform Coordination Network" when you get to non-profit selection.) You'll be asked to fill out a registration form and a survey, and then you'll be set to go! Optionally, you can choose "http://www.eyegive.com" as the default starting page when you open your web browser, and then you'll get that reminder to point and click for DRCNet each day when you get on the net. (Instructions for changing your browser's default are presented during the Eyegive registration.) You can also select "your favorite site," to give yourself an easy way to jump from the Eyegive home page to wherever you think you'll want to be most of the time. Wouldn't it be a nice way to start the day -- pointing and clicking for 30 seconds, knowing that your actions are fueling the Movement? Please take a few minutes to sign up -- it could make all the difference for the world! AND... Tax Deductible and Other ContributionsNo doubt, many of you are making decisions on where to send your tax-deductible donations before the end of the year. The Drug Policy Foundation has generously agreed to make "donor-advised grants" to DRCNet, meaning that you can make a tax-deductible donation to DPF and ask that it be used to fund DRCNet. This is an interim arrangement until our own 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status is approved. During the last few weeks, we have addressed some of DRCNet's financial troubles, and have succeeded in keeping the doors open through the end of the year, after which time we expect more grant funding and hopefully major gifts to come in. DRCNet is surviving, but is going into the new year with debts that will slow us down and hinder our effectiveness, without your help. To make a tax-deductible contribution, what you need to do is the following: 1) Make your check out to the Drug Policy Foundation. 2) Write "DPF/DRCNet collaboration" in the memo of the check (for identification purposes only). 3) Include a letter or note, stating that you "request but do not require" the funds to be used to support DRCNet. Your note should be addressed to the Drug Policy Foundation. 4) If you are also a supporter of DPF, please state specifically how much of your donation you wish to go to DRCNet. It would be even better to write separate checks, if your intention is to support both organizations. Please be aware that DPF and DRCNet are separate organizations. Your support of DRCNet, through DPF, does not constitute financial support for DPF (though legally it is in fact a donation to DPF). If you are not taking tax deductions this year, please consider making a non-deductible contribution directly to DRCNet. These kinds of donations are especially valuable for us, as we can use them lobbying. Donations of both kinds can be sent to: DRCNet, 2000 P St., NW, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036. Or, make a credit card donation to DRCNet (without the deduction) through our secure web form at http://www.drcnet.org/drcreg.html or by fax to (202) 293-8344.