Miss America Visits Needle Exchange Program 11/7/97

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Issue 15 of The Week Online reported that Kate Shindle, this year's "Miss America", had endorsed needle exchange in a press conference held with Senators Carol Moseley-Braun and Dick Durbin, from Shindle's home state of Illinois. (http://www.drcnet.org/rapid/1997/10-11-1.html#america) On Wednesday, November 5, Ms. Shindle was welcomed to Baltimore by Mayor Kurt Schmoke, with whom she visited the city's west-side needle exchange program. According to Wendy Royalty of the Baltimore City Health Dept., "Her comments were sincere and heartfelt and her representation of the program was inspiring. Now that she has seen a needle exchange program in operation we are all hoping that she will continue her public support of needle exchange during her tenure as Miss America as we are constantly being challenged by conservative thinkers."

If you didn't last time, take a moment to e-mail the Miss America Pageant to congratulate them on Ms. Shindle's stand: http://www.missamerica.org/talktous.html

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Issue #18, 11/7/97 Washington Initiative Fails at Ballot: No one said this was going to be easy | McWilliams Case Set Back: Judges "changes mind" on medical necessity defense | California Medical Marijuana Providers Conference: Groups sign on to principles and guidelines document | Patient Threatened with Arrest after Seeking Dialogue: Yuba County accused of violating Prop. 215 | South Carolina Supreme Court Upholds Eight Year Prison Sentence for Woman Whose Baby was Born with Drugs in System | Prohibition at Work: Mexican law enforcement officers once again involved in sometimes lethal criminal activities | Canadian Passports New Currency in Illegal Drug Market | Poll: British MP's Would Modify Cannabis Law -- split most evident within Labour Party | Five Former Cops Plead Guilty to Drug Trafficking | Whitman Wins, Needle Exchange Loses | Miss America Visits Needle Exchange Program | New MS Treatment Very Effective, But Very Expensive... Medical marijuana still illegal as alternative | World Bank Endorses Needle Exchange Funding | McCaffrey Calls Allegations Inappropriate | Irish Teens Top European Drug Users | Study Finds Not All Drug Users Are Losers | Narcs vs. Murphy Brown: DEA Chief criticizes fictional news anchor for medical marijuana use | Media Watch: Drug war issues in the news | Editorial: Are the drug warriors really fighting for this nation's youth?

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