Clinton AIDS Advisors Consider Resignation in Protest of Federal Ban on Needle Exchange Funding 10/11/97

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Several members of President Clinton's Advisory Council on AIDS are reportedly considering resigning from the thirty- member task force over the administration's ongoing intransigence over needle exchange.

Council member Robert Fogel, a Chicago lawyer and Clinton fund-raiser, told the Associated Press Wednesday that he plans to seek a vote on the resignation at the council's next meeting in December.

"Somebody up there is thinking more about politics than health," Fogel said. "If they're not going to listen to us and do the right thing, I for one, and a number of other people on the council, can't think of any more excuses or apologies to give on this subject." According to Fogel, "quite a few" members of the council would consider resigning.

Injection drug use is the fastest-growing mode of transmission of the AIDS virus, with fully one third of those currently infected having been exposed to the virus either directly through a syringe or indirectly, as the partner or child of an IV drug user.

To learn more about injection-related AIDS, including a state-by-state breakdown of its prevalence, check out

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Issue #15, 10/11/97 Media Alert: CNN covering Vancouver's Marc Emery Tomorrow (Sunday night) | First Federally Sponsored Med Mj Research Research Approved | Clinton AIDS Advisors Consider Resignation in Protest of Federal Ban on Needle Exchange Funding | Interview with Alexander Robinson | FBI Report Shows a Record Year for Marijuana Busts | American Medical Association Calls for More Rational Drug Policies | Canadian Ambassador to Mexico Steps Down | Hung Jury for Hawaiian Activist Charged with Buying Legal Hempseed | BC Canada's Attorney General Calls for an Examination of Decriminalization | Aussies Spending $7 Billion Per Year on Illegal Drugs: Report notes failure of Prohibition | 1997 Miss America Calls for Needle Exchange | Quote of the Week: Prominent drug policy researcher calls CASA's work thin | Link of the Week: Expose of some of CASA's thinness | Editorial: The voices of reform are growing louder... whether or not the Drug Warriors want to hear them

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