Quote of the Week: An about face by ex-general McCaffrey on the public's ability to decide the medical marijuana issue 10/3/97

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"I am not in charge of America... I'll provide information for the debate, leaning heavily on the scientific-medical community. I'll inform them of federal law. I'm not America's nanny. The American people are perfectly capable, when they are exposed to the facts, of making up their own mind."

- Drug Czar Barry McCaffrey, 9/30, testifying to a congressional subcommittee on medical marijuana.

We were just wondering, does Mr. McCaffrey mean to say that patients, given the facts, should be permitted to make up their own minds?

-- END --
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Issue #14, 10/3/97 Web Magazine Rates Drug Library a Perfect Five | DPF Conference This Month: The 11th International Conference on Drug Policy taking place in New Orleans | Swiss Vote Overwhelmingly Against Zero-Tolerance | House Judiciary Committee holds hearings on medical marijuana | Needle Exchange Funding: Grant info for large, small and start-up needle exchange programs | Substance Abuse Research Grants: Call for proposals from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation | McCaffrey and Methadone | British Newspaper Launches Campaign to Legalize Cannabis | Rash of Overdoses in Australia | Colombian President Defends His Drug War Record | Link of the Week: Monitoring the Colombia situation | Quote of the Week: An about face by ex-general McCaffrey on the public's ability to decide the medical marijuana issue | Editorial: The Swiss opt out of another war

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