In yet another example of zero-tolerance to the point of absurdity, a nine year-old Virginia boy was suspended from school for giving two pill-shaped Certs candies to a classmate. According to the parents of the classmate, little Joey Hoeffer told their son that the candies would "make him jump higher." When the friend, who apparently did not consume the mints, told his parents what Joey had told him, they immediately suspected that their son had been given some kind of drug. The one-day suspension was for violation of the school's drug policy which forbids "possession or distribution (or attempted distribution) of drugs, illegal substances, controlled substances, or 'look-alikes' which by dosage, unit, appearance or by representation would lead a person to believe that the substance is a controlled or illegal substance." During his ordeal, little Joey was interviewed by the school's principle, Gloria Jackson, and by a Manassas police officer, who confiscated the mint for analysis. (The summer '96 issue of the Drug Policy Letter featured similar incidents in its cover story, "The War on our Children", online at http://www.dpf.org/dpletter/30/.
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