Oops: State and Federal agents in Massachusetts raid the wrong house and coerce owner into "allowing" a warrantless search 9/20/97

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According to the Associated Press, a federal drug agent publicly apologized on Thursday for a raid he conducted on the wrong home in Lee, Massachusetts. Daniel Keenan, a local building inspector, was at home with his wife, Laurie, and their three children when six state and federal agents drove up. The agents had no search warrant, but, according to Keenan, the agents told him that if he did not consent to the search, they would all be put in handcuffs, a warrant would be issued, and all of their belongings would be tossed into the middle of their rooms. The Keenans have not accepted the agent's apology and are pressing forward with their complaints. According to a family spokesperson, "The kids were terrified. Everyone's still terrified."

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Issue #12, 9/20/97 Climb Aboard DRCNet's Campaign '97! | International: Mexico, Colombia, Australia | War in California: Officials say that Mexican narcotics traffickers are increasingly involved in cultivating marijuana within our own borders | Oops: State and Federal agents in Massachusetts raid the wrong house and coerce owner into allowing a warrantless search | War on Free Assembly: Seattle's recent Hempfest marred by official mistakes and inappropriate police presence | Events -- Trenton, Boston, Denver, Baltimore | Link of the Week: Mother's Voices on Needle Exchange | Quote of the Week: Joseph Califano Says More Snitches in Schools, Jerome Miller Says No Way | Editorial: The Clinton Administration's refusal to act on needle exchange is a sad triumph of politics over government

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