Medical Marijuana: California Attorney General adds a surprising voice to calls for research 8/29/97

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Dan Lungren, California's attorney general, who was one of the most vocal opponents of Proposition 215, announced his support for a state bill authorizing $1 million for the study of the medical efficacy of marijuana. Lungren, who drew attention during the campaign by holding a news conference at state expense to argue against the pro-215 position taken by Zonker, a character in the comic strip Doonesbury, said he still thinks that Prop 215 is "a dumb law." Lungren is thought to be a leading candidate for the Republican nomination for governor of California.

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Issue #9, 8/29/97 International News: US Claims Progress, Fog Lifting in UK Drug Policy, March in Germany, Mexico Blood Bath | Drug War Corruption: Employees at points of entry find that crime pays better than baggage handling | Medical Marijuana: California Attorney General adds a surprising voice to calls for research | Student Drug Testing: An old and nearly forgotten phrase is uttered by a New Jersey judge... Probable cause | Media Alert: The Wall Street Journal hits the nail on the head with regard to the Drug War's destruction of Colombia's society | Justice and Human Rights: Criminal justice systems out of control in the US and China | Link of the Week: Shedding light on the impact of America's overused criminal justice system | Quote of the Week: Drug Czar McCaffrey has figured out one of the problems | Editorial: Needle exchange is still illegal in New Jersey... but that doesn't make it wrong

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