New Book Release: Crack In America 8/1/97

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Just in time to inform the brewing crack/cocaine sentencing disparity debate. This week, University of California Press unveils "Crack In America, Demon Drugs and Social Justice" edited by sociologists Craig Reinarman and Harry G. Levine. A compilation of 17 essays by renowned experts (including 6 by the editors), the book provides a comprehensive look into the latest "demon drug."

TWO THUMBS UP!! (Dave and Adam). But don't take our word for it... According to US Congressman Ronald Dellums, "The editors and authors have produced an important work in the ongoing debate about the effect and efficacy of US drug policy. Authoritative in its analysis and comprehensive in its embrace, this work will contribute importantly to the policy debate. A must-read for anybody concerned about developing a strategy to improve the health and well-being of our communities."

Considering the critical stance "Crack in America" takes against current policies regarding cocaine, and the War on Drugs in general, such praise from a member of Congress portends the significant role that this book will play in the closing chapters of our longest and costliest experiment with criminally enforced Prohibition.

We strongly urge our members to go to their local bookstore, especially to the large chains, and ask them to order it! (ISBN # 0-52020242-2).

-- END --
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Issue #5, 8/1/97 Recent Alerts: Chai Project trial to be continued, and Sentencing Disparity alert still timely | Drug-Related AIDS: Disposable patients... Disturbing numbers from the CDC | Medical Marijuana: Loss in WA Supreme Court, Activist Arrested in LA, Wheelchair Caravan Planned for Northeast | International News: Australia Heroin Maintenance Trial, Corruption in Mexican Army | New Book Release: Crack In America | Link of the Week: A rational, reasoned approach to the drug policy debate... What are this group's real motives? | Quote of the Week: A.M. Rosenthal shows off his knowledge of narcotics and his respect for Mexico's sovereignty | Editorial: The world leads while America continues its war

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